Hi All,
First, thank you for a fantastic fora, there is just so much information in here.
I am planning to re-rig my currently ketch rigged Laurin 31. I am currently sketching out the conversion and would really like a sense check on my thinking so far.
The boat is:
9.65 loa and 8.6 loa.
2.88 m wide and 1.6m draft
Weighs 5.5 ton
It is a full-keeled double-ender and I intend to use it for off-shore sailing mainly north-atlantic.
The planned rig would be based on Arne Kverlands Johanna-style seven panel sail.
I imagine the sail area to be the same as the current rig at 50spm.
I would be using an AR of 1.95 and a boom-length of 5.7m.
The h-height of the sail would be 11.1m
I have added a sketch of the sail in onedrive here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aloj3xdWGItiknO2eHknnS2LhrkQ
I was planning the mast to be of T6 aluminium.
The diameter about 24cm at deck level and 12cm in the top.
Wall thickness about 7mm.
I imagine the mast to be 11.4 in total (1.3m below deck, 0.7m above deck, 7.8m sailheight at the mast, and 1.5m above.
For the battens I was thinking 50mm T6 alumnium with a wall size of 3mm and a 65mm yard.
Do these measures sounds reasonable or is there something I have overlooked?
Any ideas or suggestions is more than welcome.
I live in Copenhagen, Denmark
Thanks in advance
- Flemming