Galion 22 conversion

  • 12 Apr 2021 14:58
    Reply # 10303207 on 5070195

    I've started making the new rudder using 48x48mm spruce planks glued together, cut the basic shape and started to shape the foil.

    To my eye the rudder look ENORMOUS in size... even though the underwater profile is not a lot bigger than the original, if you compare the size behind the axle. I've basically just added the balanced section and some 10cm of height. Does it look too big in your eyes, or is it just me?

    Anyway, now I've faced a real problem.

    The original rudder had a small skeg (see photo). I was planning on extending it up to the transom level. But don't seem to have any idea about the size/shape in comparison to the rudder.

    Ideas, please? Size, shape - or cut most of it off?

    Things to be taken account:

    1) I still have no fittings for the rudder/skeg -link, which means the skeg will not add any support. I will make plywood (rudder)/steel (transom) fittings suggested by you people in the other topic, and at the moment it seems that the rudder will thus be only transom-hung.

    2) the balanced part of the rudder can be cut to shape in any way needed - and even the rest can be cut a bit, if needed.

    3) If needed, I could in theory make the rudder more vertical, if I'd set the upper rudder fitting on a block of some kind to make it protrude 5 or 10 cm from the transom.

    4) Because of the fittings, the rudder axle will already be set some 5-8 cm away from the transom

    5) In the photo the rudder is 10-15 cm lower than the planned setting. I had nobody to help keep it in the right place for the photo :)

    2 files
    Last modified: 12 Apr 2021 17:17 | Anonymous member
  • 13 Jan 2021 10:32
    Reply # 9854035 on 5070195

    Thanks for the answer - so the problem was not the split itself, but the gear the vane was dealing with. All the best in the New Year!

  • 13 Jan 2021 09:33
    Reply # 9853986 on 5070195

    The wind vane version that you call "split" had a vane construction similar to David's pendulum-type vane. The vane steered an auxiliary rudder on the transom.

    Basically the system worked in easy conditions, but there was no proper feedback mechanism and the aux rudder needed lots of (too much) power from the vane. This is why I decided to go for a full-David-style system. And I'm glad I did, because it works like a dream.

  • 12 Jan 2021 09:55
    Reply # 9851029 on 5070195

    Hi David, Hi Jami,

    I'm watching all very interested projects with conversion of the Galion 22. In an older movie I've noticed a SPLIT Wind Vane the David Tyler's make. See the attached slides taken from your movie. On the recent movie from the split sail trials it looks more conventional David's construction.

    Since the boat I am building has a very tall astern cabin, the idea of splitting the Wind Vane seems to be suiting perfectly my needs. I couldn't find anything more on this subject, so could you please give me some comments and advise regarding?

    I will not have an outboard on the transom, just two rudders.

    Cheers to both of you



    2 files
  • 13 Sep 2020 19:56
    Reply # 9232684 on 5070195

    Thank you for your reply, I'll continue to search the good arrangement.

  • 13 Sep 2020 07:23
    Reply # 9231762 on 5070195

    Sorry, no. But the fact is I have to tie and/or lift the self steering system whenever the motor is lowered. In the beginning I wasn't aware of this, and got severe damage from the propeller to the self steering oar. 

    Last modified: 13 Sep 2020 07:36 | Anonymous member
  • 13 Sep 2020 07:05
    Reply # 9231756 on 5070195

    Hi Jami, great job on your boat.

    Do you have a photo of the arrangement of the windvane and the outboard ? I'd like to do the same on my boat, but I find it difficult to place both on a 75cm wide transom.

  • 05 Sep 2020 09:05
    Reply # 9213315 on 5070195

    I’m starting to feel I (or actually my boat) would have liked the jibs to be some 15-20 cm wider. It wouldn’t be a big job to sew new ones. But is it possible to lengthen the 35x1,5mm battens at the front end? I suspect it’s the least stressed place of the batten, so adding 20cm of the same tube with an inner sleeve shouldn’t be a problem - or am I totally wrong?

  • 04 Sep 2020 21:22
    Reply # 9212721 on 5070195

    One finds things to fix, others to improve and some to get rid of. But still - it doesn’t get much better than this.

    Last modified: 04 Sep 2020 21:23 | Anonymous member
  • 26 Aug 2020 14:54
    Reply # 9191536 on 5070195

    Yes Arne,

    I agree your point on the hull-driven weather helm, even though it has eased a lot with this more balanced sail. This is why I will probably make a new transom-hung rudder and skeg for next year.

    But then again this might induce lee helm when not heeling a lot, right?

    The best solution might be adding two feet of waterline to the transom...

    Regarding the sheet: my boat/sail would probably benefit from a setup that is exactly opposite to your anti-twist sheet, that is sheeting the lower part in more than the upper.

    Last modified: 26 Aug 2020 14:57 | Anonymous member
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