I don't really want to get involved in this debate - I have too many other irons in the fire at the moment. However, perhaps I should clarify that the idea of using a dinghy for a test bed came about for a few reasons
it would be relatively cheap to build and therefore, while the JRA might pay for the materials for one or two, we could hope members would be encouraged to build their own
it would double up as a tender
people would not need extra space to store it - not everyone lives on a large block of land with sheds and storage space
it would be fun, particularly at junkets.
A 16ft boat, while probably providing a better test bed, would be more expensive, take longer to build, have no secondary use, would require storage space and, generally speaking, is hardly likely to be towed by a mother ship to a junket, so therefore would have to come by road, requiring the additional expense of a trailer (and car with towing bar). This argument also works against the boat that you suggest, Arne.
Arne and Slieve. It would be great to have a fleet of Folkboats. It would be great if the ‘new’ Jester had been used as a test bed, as the original proposal suggested she would be. I said at the time it wouldn't happen and, sadly, was proved correct. However, if we have doubts over providing a set of instruments, I can’t see us blithely giving some keen members a Folkboat on which to try out their rigs!
The title of this thread is "Measuring junk sa(i)ling performance", not "Making comparisons between junk-rigged boats". To me, there is a difference here.
Alan is actually suggesting an entirely different and 'hard facts' approach. I can see its merits in supplying information for the technically minded. If Alan were to use the information thus gained when designing rigs for customers, the main beneficiary would be said customer. I agree that many of the advances made in junk rig have been done by amateurs and that we are all very grateful that they have so generously shared their information with us. However, founder members of the JRA include Robin and Alan and the commercial and the amateur have always worked side by side, in the interests of promoting and perfecting junk rigs for the benefit of all junk sailors.
The major drawback is the usual one: organising junkies makes herding cats look like a stroll in the park.
The question your committee has to decide is whether we should make funds available to do this. None of us wants to waste money; none of us wants it to be used improperly, but I do think that some of it should be used. The major issue that I, as Chair, see is that of covering expenses. I am perfectly happy to see funds being used to buy the necessary apparatus; I am perfectly happy to see funds being used to send the apparatus around to be used on various boats. However, I am not at all happy at the idea of paying personal expenses to the person operating the apparatus. As I mentioned earlier, we have made the majority of our improvements to junk rig, as unpaid amateurs. Moreover, expenses simply gobble up available funds, and that's before we start haggling over whether the person with the equipment should be sleeping in a car or staying in an hotel. There is enormous scope for argument and bad feeling here, and for myself, I don't want to go there. If Alan, or anyone else, wants to do this, then in my opinion - and this is just my opinion - they have to do it at their own cost as has been the norm up to now. This may be neither reasonable nor fair, but I think this is the only way we can do it without causing bad feeling.
Your Committee is still considering Alan’s proposal and we will put it on forum shortly, with a link from this thread. All comments are appreciated in helping us come to some conclusion.