Last week over a couple of days I tried out the JRA instruments on a friend's boat. Generally things went well, and the frame carrying the instruments did not break although it creaked and groaned a bit when the skipper tacked fast while we were creaming along at 7 knots, which generated maximum side force.
Unfortunately we hit a snag that none of us had foreseen. We were trying to calibrate the water speed sensor in Ipswich dock where there is nice flat water and no current, as it has a locked entrance. We could run at above 5 knots for long enough, but we discovered the fatal flaw, which is that to calibrate the sensor, we have to use a Bluetooth connection, (to a phone with GPS), which worked fine when we were stationary, but stopped working once we got above 1 or 2 knots and the probe kicked up a bit of a bow wave.
A bit of research on line led to the explanation - Bluetooth doesn't work through water. Apparently it uses a similar frequency to microwave ovens, so we were just trying to heat up the dock. I can see the system would work fine when the sensor is mounted in a boat, but it doesn't work in a probe.
So we have gone back to the supplier to ask if there is another way to calibrate the sensor, or to get the Bluetooth signal out of the probe - an aerial maybe? No reply yet, but I guess they have their thinking caps on, or maybe they're just on holiday.
If we can't make it work with the existing probe, I have a plan to change the probe so it sits on the water rather then in it, and has a spray rail like a fast motorboat to keep the bow wave low.
Either way, it's going to be a while before we can sort this out, but one way or another we will sort it out. If all else fails we can change to an older simpler sensor. I will post an update when we know how we are going to proceed.