David Tyler wrote:
«IMHO, sails with a lot of balance area are very good for going downwind, but not much use for anything else (I exclude split junk sails from this sweeping statement, as they are playing by a different set of rules). When the mast is to leeward, we need to get it into the separation bubble which lies quite close to the luff.»
I too feared that a big (mast) balance in a cambered panel sail would lead to bad performance on the mast-to-leeward tack, so I kept the balance between 8 and 12% in my sails. However, Paul Thompson has clearly demonstrated that 18 -22% can be used, and his La Chica still performs well on both tacks. After the first couple of trial sails of the new JR on my IF, Ingeborg, I shifted the sail forward from 10-11% to 14-15% balance, and it works fine. Only fine instruments would tell if, or how much performance I lost. My hunch is that I gained more than I lost as the change improved the helm’s balance. Nevertheless, this myth of the bad tack is not easy to bust.
David also wrote:
«The Hasler planform puts the area of the upper panels further aft than sails with a lower angle of yard, and this will contribute to weather helm; getting worse the more you reef. This, along with the longer luff, is a major part of my thinking in Weaverbird's sail.»
I have never had a problem with this. I am on my sixth JR with some sort of H-M planform. They all reef beautifully. If anything, any weather helm is a bit reduced as I reef (not much). It may well be that the top section of my rig sits further aft - I haven’t checked - but it is no problem. Maybe this is the reason why I don’t end up with a bad lee helm when reefing: It is easy to forget the windage of that (bare) mast.
Nowadays there is little reason for building the sail with a Johanna-style planform to minimise balance at the mast. When I still build them this way, it is mainly for three other reasons:
· The boats I have converted has more or less forced the masts to sit well forward, because of the deck or interior layout. This again forces me to fit the sail with moderate balance to avoid lee helm. A tall yard angle (70°) is a natural result of this.
· The high-peaked Johanna-style sail lets one set the biggest and tallest sail on a given mast length. Remember; one can always reef that sail, but one cannot reef the mast.
· I have found the 2-3-panel top section to be a very efficient hard-weather sail, downwind as well as upwind. If properly rigged and with the FUP (fan-up preventer) set, it should be as trouble-free in use as any (still only 5 running lines).