I am still just getting started understanding junk rigs and all the specifics that go into designing a rig. I have made it about 3/4 of the way through reading PJR for the first time and I think I have enough of the basics in my head to turn sail designs around in my head.
I would like to have some software to quickly provide the CLR and COE estimations for different hulls and sails. I have not been able to find anything so I put together something quick-and-dirty in python that I believe will give results similar to the 'balance' method for the hull and the 'hanging paper' method for the sails described in PJR.
In my test the Bm sloop COE is from the Catalina 30 Tall Rig data. The underwater hull shape is just something I made up for testing. I need to key in a lot more points by hand or create a better way to input the hull shape to get all the curves right
Can someone please take a look at the attached images and help me check if the results are at all accurate? I would also appreciate opinions on if this is useful or if I am duplicating work that has already been done.
Thank you,