Well, my entry into this discussion came before you mentioned the fact that by moving the sling point and the YHP, you now have very light loadings on your lines, Arne. I absolutely
hated the amount of force I needed on my LHP on
Fantail. And I've felt the same watching David on
Footprints and Alan on
Zebedee. I just don't want to go there again, and I am looking for a way around it. Yes, just camber would be fine, but only if I can be sure that the lines will need no more than a slight pull to set the sail nicely.
I am not good at experimenting with setting a sail: I don't have the sort of mind that can see that if I move this line to here and then attach that line there, then this will happen, so i need to follow other people's leads on this. I want a sail that will perform well so that I don't need to motor. I may not go to Fiji - I need a big dose of self-confidence first - but I'm trying to build the boat capable of so-doing, so therefore the sail needs to be up to it, too.
But it's only 1,000 miles to Fiji - and if I decided to sail to Stewart I at the bottom end of NZ, I'd be sailing the same distance, so it's relevant, anyway.