James Lovett wrote:
Apologies first of all as I am sure I have missed the obvious somewhere on the site, but I am considering my first conversion to junk rig and I'm not sure where to start and with whom. I'm practical but not ready to DIY it yet, so should I be looking at a designer first to come up with a plan of what work would need to be carried out to create the new rig and if it was even possible on my boat (Elizabethan 31 centre cockpit ketch). Just a nod in the right direction would be most appreciated.
James, it's really quite straightforward. Maybe you'd find it less daunting if you do what I did when I started building. Instead of saying "Today I'm going to start building a boat", which was too terrifying, I said "Today I'm going to mark up and cut out a bulkhead. So start with designing a rig. It's just time, effort and paper. Then do the intellectual exercise of choosing materials and sourcing them. By this time, you'll be feeling far more comfortable with the concept and the idea of handing it all over to someone else to complete for you, will be unacceptable!
I used to have some wonderful friends, sadly long dead, who owned an Elizabethan 31, Greylag, and have very fond memories of the boat. I went sailing over to the Isle of Man, once or twice with them and remember Alan waking me in the morning with a mug of fresh, steaming coffee, well-laced with rum! They loved their boat and I'm sure you'll find yours a joy, too.