In truth, it's hard to find time to do
anything apart from building this boat, but with all the other things I need to do in life, I don't seem to do much on it!
This is also my excuse for not having posted for 3 weeks. I suspect the real reason that not much seems to get done either in my life or on my boat is that I'm getting old. Still, one plods on and if the work is slow, at least I'm pleased with the results. Indeed, the only problems are the fact that I really dislike living ashore and miss the whole of my wonderful life afloat; and the cost of rent is something I could do without. The cost of the boat itself still remains within the scale of what I had in mind. And the rent would have to be significantly greater to justify paying anyone else to do work that I can do. so
really my only gripe is that I wish I were on the water listening to oyster catchers instead of vehicles and machinery. Occasionally, very rarely, in the small hours of a very quiet night, I catch the sound of the morepork - New Zealand's delightful little owl. But it's a long way to any bush that provides sanctuary to these birds.
My latest progress photo David would prefer not to see. Bertrand told me that the teak decks will slow me down. Well, I love them now and will continue to do so into the future: for me, they're a delight. It's funny how we all value aesthetics, but all in our individual ways. Up to date photos here: I've started yet another album.