Many thanks for that, Gary. After the mammoth tabernacle building sessions

I'm back on my own. I've been making deck beams, which gives me wonderfully illusory feelings of speed and progress. The reason for this, is that having finished the tabernacle, I wanted to build a 'mast step' for it. But because it's tapered, it had to be cut to the correct length before I could make the mast step. To cut it to its correct length I had to know where the deck would be. I have no measurements to tell me this, and besides, things don't always match the plans! So then I had to work out where the deck would be but to do this I had to know exactly how thick the beams would be and to do this I had to make the deck beams. So, that's what I've been doing. But before I can fit the deck beams, I will need to do the gunwale details, which involves gluing more cedar onto the edge to the plywood and planing it all to fit. Then (let's be realistic) I will have to fit the bulkheads to the deck beams.
Anyway, here's a nice pic of a stack of deck beam centres:

And may I just take this opportunity to say how much I hate the Wild Apricot platform when it comes to putting photos into my album and then trying to share them!!!!!
Right, let me go and get on with building this damn boat.