SibLim update

  • 19 Nov 2019 03:39
    Reply # 8128417 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    Well, that list of remaining work is very short compared to what you have already achieved to date. A lot of the jobs are short term goals such as making squab covers which well help you feel that all of a sudden you are rushing towards completion of the project. I think a bottle of bubbly at this stage is very well deserved!

  • 18 Nov 2019 22:39
    Reply # 8128106 on 4315719

    I've just had a look back to November 2019 and December 2019, when this project started. Four years ago, you knew what you wanted to achieve, but were worrying that you'd bitten off more than you could chew - and wow, look at the exquisite work you're doing now. The girl done great!

  • 18 Nov 2019 22:31
    Reply # 8128084 on 4315719

    That is so gorgeous! I am impressed beyond words. What a pleasure that's going to be, sailing all over, as well as hanging around in one place.


  • 18 Nov 2019 20:44
    Reply # 8127909 on 4315719

    I've just updated my blog.  I'm sorry it's taken so long, but building a boat doesn't allow much time for fooling around on my computer!


    2 files
  • 25 Oct 2019 03:09
    Reply # 8076537 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    following this heat treatment in bending hardwood, it figures that cutting fairly thin strips that are given a soaking in boiling water before clamping to a jig/former, with some more heating using a heat gun, could be a way to achieving a tight radius.

    Water soaking would logically allow plenty of heat when using the heat gun.

  • 24 Oct 2019 20:34
    Reply # 8075807 on 4315719

    Thank you for all the ideas.  For many reasons, steam is out of the question.  However, I remember David Webb suggesting using a heat gun - cautiously - and this I did.  I bent the teak into place and screwed it down and left it.  when I came to finish the job, I took all the screws out, removed the teak and it came out ready-shaped with hardly any "spring-back" at all.  Brilliant!  Thank you, David!

  • 23 Oct 2019 14:45
    Reply # 8073218 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    Steam bending without a steam box video from "Tips from a Shipwright".  Could be useful in the right circumstances.

  • 23 Oct 2019 03:42
    Reply # 8072653 on 4315719

    Woodenboat forum has a thread on bending teak.

    Bending teak

    Last modified: 23 Oct 2019 03:44 | Anonymous member
  • 22 Oct 2019 21:57
    Reply # 8072255 on 4315719

    Make a jig to the curve then pour boiling water over the strip as you bend it into the jig. I tried pouring boiling water over a strip and then wrapping it in plastic for a while,  I think it helped. 

    Last modified: 22 Oct 2019 21:58 | Anonymous member
  • 20 Oct 2019 17:33
    Reply # 8067254 on 4315719

    P.S. That piece of trim looks close to the maximum thickness for this type of bending. Much thicker would require a steam box.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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