I would bear in mind that Arne is talking about his
topmast, not the whole spar and that he uses his boat, generally, for daysailing , (although I suspect that the cosy
Ingeborg might tempt him away for longer periods). The lines that are causing the damage to your mast are the parrels, I suspect, and they will rarely bear on the topmast for any length of time. Arne's big rigs are often sailed reefed, don't forget, so that a lot of the time, the parrels will only be bearing on the alloy part of the mast.
On the other hand, you are planning to use the vessel pretty intensively. The parrels will be sawing back and forth for hours, maybe even days at a time. Polyurethane paint alone is, from my experience, unlikely to be sufficiently hard on its own to protect the mast from being damaged by the parrels. Once the lines have started their work, they invariably drop into the same groove and make bad worse.
I know people who have got away with unprotected wooden masts, but if you know what might happen, you can keep an eye on things and be prepared.