How light for poly tarp sail?

  • 18 Apr 2016 02:08
    Reply # 3967296 on 3965228
    Deleted user
    I think that the size of the sail matters as well. With a small sail of under 19 sq mt the blue should last ok. I have a blue tarp sail on a kayak trimaran that has lasted 3 seasons and is still in good condition other than some of the seams which were taped not sewn.
  • 16 Apr 2016 10:41
    Reply # 3965584 on 3965228
    Deleted user

    I'd go for the white (in fact I have for my experimental split sail). 200gm seems much better than 100, and the blue ones will degrade from UV pretty quickly - the heavier white ones have some UV protection.

    However, if you don't need it to last more than a season, the blue will probably be OK.


    Last modified: 16 Apr 2016 10:41 | Deleted user
  • 16 Apr 2016 08:44
    Reply # 3965518 on 3965228
    Deleted user
    Actually I managed to buy a blue medium tarp second hand in good condition which will be ok. I'll keep the light one for something else. 
  • 16 Apr 2016 00:00
    Message # 3965228
    Deleted user
    I am making my first JR from poly tarp because if I need or want to replace it I haven't invested too much for my "prototype". 

    My question is, how light should I go for the poly tarp? I have a big light weight tarp of about 75gsm weight. Is that going to be strong enough? I think one advantage would be it's responsiveness in light airs, but would it be strong enough if the wind picks up?

    Most of the blue tarps are around 100 gsm, and silver or white up to 250 gsm, which I think might be too heavy.

    Your thoughts?

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