book wanted

  • 11 Mar 2016 19:32
    Reply # 3875878 on 3870850
    Deleted user

    Many thanks for your reply.

    I used this book to make some sails, admittedly for a heavy displacement boat but they set nicely, the instructions were easy to follow and Im not one for sailing to windward!

    To find Tom (about 10 years ago) I contacted the publisher of his brilliant book on steel boat building  I have tried to track them down with with no success.

     so far.

    If I remember correctly they were a few photocopys stapled together.


    best wishes









  • 09 Mar 2016 19:34
    Reply # 3871594 on 3870850


    This book is no longer available from Colvin's site - we acquired a copy recently from Italy with the intention of digitising it (along with Colvin's other books) but have not yet heard from Tom's estate about permission.

    We are rather reluctant to lend it out at present, as it would be very difficult to replace if lost. We might be able to arrange something, however.

    Are you sure you would want to put one of Tom colvin's flat, Hong-Kong style sails on your trimaran? Would you not be better off with one of the cambered junk sails such as those designed by Arne Kverneland?


    Last modified: 09 Mar 2016 19:40 | Anonymous
  • 09 Mar 2016 15:00
    Message # 3870850
    Deleted user

    I just entered this the wanted pages but I suspect it will more relevant here!


    I am looking for a boolet by TOM COLVIN on making junk rig sails, Ive lost my copy but need one for my latest project



       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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