SibLim - planking the hull

  • 19 Jun 2016 01:40
    Reply # 4084073 on 3779106
    Deleted user

    Great work Annie. Getting very close to a floatable boat like object!

  • 19 Jun 2016 01:34
    Reply # 4084071 on 3779106
    More photos posted here.  Progress is slow, but, I'm pleased to say, steady.

  • 07 Jun 2016 08:16
    Reply # 4060990 on 3779106

    Good to view the Sunday photos. Looking forward to signing on again after 21 July and helping to create a really special cruising boat  

  • 05 Jun 2016 21:03
    Reply # 4058344 on 3779106
    I can't possibly do that, David - I haven't got any drawings for them :-P

    (It was going to be one of those 'nice, easy jobs', when the deadwood for the keel gets overwhelming!)

  • 05 Jun 2016 09:43
    Reply # 4058000 on 3779106

    Please could you add the two flat pieces to the underside of the lute, outboard of the rudders, connecting the lute to the transom? Then we'll easily be able to spot some progress in the Sunday morning shot! 

  • 05 Jun 2016 02:42
    Reply # 4057906 on 3779106
    Two more photos in the old album, the rest in a new one.  Don't worry, I'm as impatient as you to get the planking finished and on with the next stage.

    Winter has come with a rush: getting out of bed in the dark is beyond me, I'm afraid, and getting up in the cold not easy.  Leaving my snug feather quilt for an unheated boat shed is an unappealing proposition and takes a lot of willpower.  So my production has dropped off a bit ... but the days will start getting longer in three weeks.

    Every Sunday I try to remember to take a photo from the same spot.  Eagle eyes can try and see the difference from last week!  It gets less obvious as I approach the bow.

    Last modified: 05 Jun 2016 02:43 | Anonymous member
  • 29 May 2016 01:05
    Reply # 4045387 on 3779106

    I'm up to the board cases now, as can be seen in new photos that I've posted.  (I'll need to start yet another album next time I post!)

    The photos can be seen here.

    Rob, sadly, has abandoned ship to go to Europe, so while I don't anticipate too many problems with the sheets around the bilgeboard cases, it's going to be very interesting fitting the full-size (plus scarphed length), 6mm sheets at the bow!  At least they are light enough that I can lift them without too much of a struggle.

  • 15 May 2016 22:05
    Reply # 4021475 on 4020839
    David Tyler wrote:The next bilge panels will go around the board cases. Have you got a plan for putting some longitudinal framing here? Since it won't be bent to a curve, but will have its lower edge cut to a fair curve, better to get this in soon, notched into bulkheads 3 and 4, so that a fairing batten can be laid from 2 to 5 to fair it in?
    Oddly enough, David, this did occur to me :-P  In fact the next panels are going to land on bulkhead 4: while this will waste a little plywood, it will ensure a better scarph.

    Edit: I should have mentioned that I can't use no 2 for fairing the hull, because this is the bulkhead that gave me all the problems earlier.  I've had to reshape it and, when Rob and I wrapped a sheet of 6mm round, I discovered that I still need to take a bit more off the MDF. 

    Last modified: 29 May 2016 01:00 | Anonymous member
  • 15 May 2016 08:21
    Reply # 4020839 on 3779106

    It's great to be able to see the interior without the MDF former in place. You must be able to see the volume you have for stowage under the cockpit. When the next one comes out, at station 5, the size of the saloon will become apparent.

    The next bilge panels will go around the board cases. Have you got a plan for putting some longitudinal framing here? Since it won't be bent to a curve, but will have its lower edge cut to a fair curve, better to get this in soon, notched into bulkheads 3 and 4, so that a fairing batten can be laid from 2 to 5 to fair it in?

  • 15 May 2016 07:31
    Reply # 4020827 on 3779106
    The planking is coming along nicely: slowly but surely - with more than a little help from my friends, as you can see in this album:

    If the link doesn't work, go here:

    And this is where I am now:

    Last modified: 15 May 2016 07:40 | Anonymous member
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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