OK, Robert,
since your mast cap is of the PJR type, and I happen to have Malena’s PJR style mast cap right by my side here: Imagine we look at the cap from above and use clock analogy for orientation, 12 o’clock being forward.
I suppose you then have a tang in the 5 o’clock position, but wish you had it at 7 o’clock instead (..or vice versa...). If I were in your position, I would shackle a piece of chain from that 5 o’clock tang to the one which hopefully sits at 9 o’clock. This chain should be slack enough to make almost a half-circle bight when unloaded.
The new halyard block can then be clipped to the chain in the position you want.
PS: If you are to use a 5-part halyard, I suggest you use both the 5 and 7 o’clock tangs, the way I did on Johanna’ sail. That gives better lead for the fall and better resistance against twist.