Street Lighting Supplies, Sterling

  • 10 Nov 2015 23:51
    Reply # 3627125 on 3622635


    I have just seen your posts.  Apologies I could have saved you some time.  When I contacted them about 18 months ago Sterling were initially very helpful, but when it came to the crunch, got cold feet.  

    I feel I must have don't something wrong with ALC.  Three times I've contacted them now and not once have they followed up on my request for information.  I have called and emailed.  I hope you have more luck, as I know other members have been successful with them.


  • 10 Nov 2015 21:27
    Reply # 3626934 on 3622635
    Deleted user

    Well I got a reply from the company, the gist of which was they would not sell one of their poles to be used as a mast. I had asked for data on the construction, wall thickness, etc.

    They added that it was most unwise to use lighting poles for anything other than the intended use. Ah well, no help there then! ALC are another matter and most helpfull.

  • 08 Nov 2015 14:08
    Message # 3622635
    Deleted user

    I live and sail on the West coast of Scotland. Does any member have information (diam, Aluminium type etc) about the Street Lighting Supplies poles and problems? I have contacted them by e-mail and am waiting a reply. I'm looking for 11m and 8m poles. 

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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