It seems that the success of the throat hauling parrel (THP) alone, to replace the Hong Kong parrels, varies from boat to boat and rig to rig. I think that small differences in aspect ratio, mast rake and general sail planform (full fan style versus Hasler-McLeod style), and also sheeting angle, seem to affect the set of the sail.
I, like Graham, still have the HK-parrels rigged, but they only play a secondary role after I learned more about the use of the combination of THP and YHP, and after moving the slingpoint of the halyard about 5% (of the yard’s length) aft of the middle.
However, if one looks at old pictures of real junks from Hong Kong, it is easy to see that the HK parrels are taking high loads, bending the stout battens upwards, quite a bit. That is no problem, as long as the battens have been built to take the load.

(click on it to enlarge)