Hinged mast on KIngfisher 20+ junk

  • 12 Jun 2015 08:59
    Reply # 3384160 on 3345713

    I did a lot of research and thinking about mast hinges last year when I was making the hinge on my 21' Coromandel workable. You might like to read The mast hinge saga, Mast hinge design, and Making the mast hinge from my blog.

    The Athena II Refit picture you pointed out looks like it might work in a similar way to what I've ended up with, which works very well.

    The main problem with my hinge is that the sleeve is vulnerable to getting out of shape. It has to be a very snug fit over the hinge, and if the lower end gets even slightly out of shape it becomes very hard to slide down.

  • 18 May 2015 10:24
    Reply # 3346826 on 3345713
    Deleted user

    Hi Peter. Thanks. I didn't know you'd sold Pariposa to Matt. He's hoping to sail over to Brest, where we will be from June, for a junket. Chris Galliene is planning to sail over too, as well as a local French member, Francois Gavillon who isn't junked yet. Ash is working on publicity.

    I've asked Melanie to email you direct, so hope that's OK. Good luck with all your plans.

    Last modified: 18 May 2015 10:27 | Deleted user
  • 18 May 2015 01:03
    Reply # 3346590 on 3345713


    I sold Mariposa to Matt Waite, who's a member here, when I got sent to Shanghai for a year.  I'm still in Shanghai but I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to stay due to a difference of opinion with my boss.  I happened to be looking at ebay and there was SeaWok for £295.  So I bought her as a 'safety net'.  She's currently in Rice and Cole boatyard (the same yard as Roger Taylor).  The inboard engine has been removed and a previous owner started to give her the 'MingMing' treatment but never finished. 

    I'll forward a pic when I get a chance.



  • 17 May 2015 22:35
    Reply # 3346531 on 3345713
    Deleted user

    Thanks all. Robin Blain rang me today to say that Sunbirds used to make these as standard, and can still get them made. Since I think my son-in-law will make his own, your ideas and suggestions are much appreciated and show the power of the site.

    Ketil, you are right. I dowloaded magazine 18 as per Arne's advice and pages 20-23 make it all clear. What a memory mine  Arne is.

    Peter, thanks for that offer; I've passed it on. Yes, send a pic please, thanks. Why do you need Sea-wock as well as your other boat, whose name escapes me at the moment? I remember seeing her when she was for sale several years ago. A good buy I should think, and with an internal diesel I believe.

    BTW I've encourages my daughter to join the JRA. I paid for her first year's membership but I'm not paying again :-)

    Last modified: 17 May 2015 22:38 | Deleted user
  • 17 May 2015 15:31
    Reply # 3346303 on 3345713
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You are right, Ketil, this has been described in Newsletter 18, in 1988.


    Last modified: 17 May 2015 15:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 17 May 2015 15:17
    Reply # 3346297 on 3345713


    I would Guess the mast is hinged in the fork. It seems to have a long and sturdy sleeve brought Down over the hingepoint.



  • 17 May 2015 02:12
    Reply # 3346007 on 3345713


    I'm not 100% sure how it works, but I think the hinge has removal bolt through it. When the mast is raised an aluminium cover slides over the joint.  I can send a pic to your email if you like.

    I've just bought a Kingfisher 20+ JR called SeaWok. It has a hinged mast on it, the same system as on KYOA site, but I plan to replace it.  How urgently does your daughter want to do the modification?  If she can wait until next winter, when I return to the UK, she can have the mast from SeaWok for a nominal price. 


  • 16 May 2015 17:48
    Message # 3345713
    Deleted user

    My daughter and son-in-law keep Shui Jen, a Kingfisher 20+, in the Alps, and are thinking of  hinging the mast on some way. There's an interesting solution on the Kingfisher Yacht Owners' Association website. Go to this page and scroll down to the section headed Kingfisher 20+ Athena II refit pictures. Look at the first three images. Does anyone know how this system or can anyone figure out how this system works?

    Last modified: 16 May 2015 17:51 | Deleted user
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