Parrel noise

  • 15 Mar 2015 00:01
    Reply # 3252557 on 3246710
    Sounds like there's the makings of a junket in Broken Bay.  How splendid! The inaugural Oz junket?

    I think the best thing to do about squeaking lines is to learn to like the noise!  Better than the wind howling through the rigging. I remember sailing with Another Rig and the staysail block banged on deck over my head every time the boat rolled slightly.  I was told that it never bothered the skipper so why should it bother me?

    Actually, when I sailed Fantail up from S Island, I noticed that gentle light whingeing of the parrels.  It brought a big smile to my face because I remembered the noise from sailing Badger.  I found it comforting, in fact.

  • 12 Mar 2015 02:42
    Reply # 3248044 on 3246982
    Deleted user
    Graham Cox wrote:

    Ha ha, I thought it was only me.  I blamed my alloy mast.  I have found a solution though - don't go to sea.  Arion is cruising the sheltered inland waterways of Broken Bay and is tucked up in some quiet anchorage every night.  Lovely.  I may be here for some time...

    PS: I switched from rope to webbing strap parrels which helped but didn't solve the problem.  It did cut down on friction when hoisting though.

    ok. maybe I better start experimenting smearing all kinds of goop on them..

    BTW, c u around Broken Bay, we anchored off Ettalong this morning after 6 hours motoring in the calms, (hand held steering since the NEW tiller Pilot is busted.. ). We're off Green Point atm. Kept me eyes peeled but didn't see a JR'd tom thumb. Come round for a teatime anytime. We'll be here for a full year most likely.

  • 12 Mar 2015 02:36
    Reply # 3248013 on 3246822
    Deleted user
    Paul Thompson wrote:

    Yes, switch of your cochlear implant! Works well for me.

    ha ha.
    Thanks. I'll remember that one..
    Last modified: 12 Mar 2015 02:45 | Deleted user
  • 11 Mar 2015 07:45
    Reply # 3246982 on 3246710

    Ha ha, I thought it was only me.  I blamed my alloy mast.  I have found a solution though - don't go to sea.  Arion is cruising the sheltered inland waterways of Broken Bay and is tucked up in some quiet anchorage every night.  Lovely.  I may be here for some time...

    PS: I switched from rope to webbing strap parrels which helped but didn't solve the problem.  It did cut down on friction when hoisting though.

  • 11 Mar 2015 00:55
    Reply # 3246822 on 3246710

    Yes, switch of your cochlear implant! Works well for me.

    Last modified: 11 Mar 2015 00:56 | Anonymous member
  • 10 Mar 2015 21:44
    Message # 3246710
    Deleted user

    When the wind is light and the waves are sloppy the rig start making a rhythmic squealing sound. I've narrowed it down to the yard and luff hauling parrels, at the top of the mast, sawing against the two pack coated fibreglass. I can minimise the cacophony by loosening them. But its still there. (Who cares if the sails look out of trim in those near calm conditions..)  Any ideas on how the completely quiet them, short of dousing sail altogether? Spray some substance on the lines (Lanox)? Wax them? 

    thanks. (sleepless in the calms)

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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