Performance after reefing

  • 11 Jan 2015 08:45
    Reply # 3188028 on 3180355
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Stavanger, Sunday, 20140111

    I am very glad to read about the success of your new rudder. I guess that makes tacking quicker as well (I don’t know how tacking went with the old rudder). How about the tiller forces, did you get the rudder area balance right?

    Anyway, I think this is an important improvement, and I hope you will write up a report on the rudder alone, with dimensions and everything. There are so many big, long-keeled sailing vessels out there, which could use a copy of the La Chica rudder.

    Cheers, Arne

    PS: You did alter the keel profile as well, didn’t you? Could that have something to do with your improved VMG?


  • 10 Jan 2015 22:30
    Reply # 3187884 on 3180355

    Weather helm is very much a factor in this. With LC's old rudder, often full rudder (30deg) was required to keep her on course and we had a VMG of about 3kts. With the new rudder, she only needs about 3deg going up to 10deg in strong gusts. VMG is now in the 4kt plus range.

    BTW If you think the above is just the ravings of a proud owner... I think Alan Martiensen of Zebedee can confirm the above :-)

  • 05 Jan 2015 21:20
    Reply # 3181503 on 3180355
    Deleted user

    Thanks to all who replied. I've been thinking about it more. Only the BM rig looks bad overpowered while the Junk doesn't change much. The battens obviously keep the latter in good shape and I don't notice increase in leeway with more heel (leeway is worse in light winds - property of fin keels?). I suppose the low initial stability of the dory hull is a factor too. A little odd, by far the fastest sailing on our old BM was with main reefed and smaller #3 jib.

  • 05 Jan 2015 20:45
    Reply # 3181478 on 3180355

    This is a function of the whole package of rig type and the power it develops, combined with the boat type, and the way it performs. Certainly, when on the wind, Tystie starts to stagger and go slower and more sideways when over-pressed, and comes more upright and goes faster when I've taken a reef. This is to do with her limited stability and sail carrying power. Your dory will behave very differently, Gary.

  • 04 Jan 2015 13:43
    Reply # 3180468 on 3180355


    Going slower when overcanvassed is a question of weatherhelm. If the rudder acts more like a break than rudder, the boat is slowed Down. If the steering is neutral when the boat is on its heels, it will still go like a Train. Reducing sail has more to do With Control than speed. Sailing With the Wind from quarters to behind is more a question of boat behaveor. An X-99 will plane and be happy, Edmond Dantes would dig herself Down, surf in the seas, try to get sideways and Down. Generally a nuisence and hard work to sail. As a skipper you will be worn out in minutes because of arenalin. (Time for whatever you got to trail behind, leave the boat to itself and braze yourself in the bed).  

  • 04 Jan 2015 10:20
    Reply # 3180448 on 3180355
    Deleted user

    Gary, I cannot answer your question directly but I can tell you that when sailing Malliemac in 2013 in a rising wind I found very little difference in speed as I gradually reefed down to four panels. The wind was coming over the port quarter.

    Last modified: 04 Jan 2015 10:21 | Deleted user
  • 04 Jan 2015 03:10
    Message # 3180355
    Deleted user

    Back in the old days, sailing a bermudan rig, the boat would sail faster reefed than left unreefed and over powered. This would be conventional wisdom with BM boats.

    However, I never see this happening with the junk rig. Compared with over powered and heeling at 30˚, the boat is slower with less heel after reefing a panel. I find this odd, anyone know what's going on? Or is this because of the dory shaped hull?

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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