Converting a Morris Frances 26?

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  • 29 Dec 2014 07:00
    Reply # 3177684 on 3177329
    Deleted user

    Hi Dennis, sure, please send me everyting you have.. I got the Frances in August, haven't sailed it but once. I repainted the deck and still have a few things to upgrade before setting off. It's a really nice and sturdy boat. My only issue with it is the lack of headroom with the flush deck, since I am 6'2".

    I am starting to research JR conversion... Probably will have the sail made or do it myself first, then find a mast and complete it. I need to make sure I have everything needed, including the funds and time to do it quickly. No timeframe set yet, but I like to research projects well in advance.

    I got mine for a good price, $14K. It is old and needs cosmetic work, but no major problems. Keep looking, they do come up once in a while... I was also looking at a Pacific Seacraft 25 at the time, for the same price, but it was in California and the cost of transport was too much. I would suggest trying to find one with a cabin and full headroom, though the flush deck model does look very good.

    I plan on setting up a blog later about maintenance, modifications and travels, but I am quite busy as it is getting the boat ready for cruising.


  • 28 Dec 2014 15:40
    Reply # 3177425 on 3177329
    Deleted user


    I am the Yank responsible for the meandering from the IF to the Frances 26 on Arne's threaD.  I think a Frances would make a wonderful JR if you can bare to cut a hole in the foredeck.  It has all the attribute recommended in PJR (aka "the bible") and Arne's own excellent tome which you can download here.  

    Most Franceses are beyond my budget, but I found an owner finished one here in New England which I may be able to obtain.  

    I have found a couple of mast sources (flag pole manufactures) here state side if you are interested.

    How long have you had your Frances?  

    Dennis Gibbons

  • 28 Dec 2014 02:41
    Reply # 3177343 on 3177329
    Deleted user

    Thanks, I did a search but I guess I missed that post. I have just started studying the matter. The mast would indeed probably go just in front of the hatch through the foredeck. It would be easy to put a hard wood member there to receive the mast fitting. I have looked at Mr Kverneland's collection of sail plans and it seems like the AR=2.10 (42.75sqm) might work..? I'll have to figure out how to size the panels for the camber.

    I am in no big rush, but the next time I need a set of sails, I might as well convert.


    Last modified: 28 Dec 2014 06:06 | Deleted user
  • 28 Dec 2014 02:01
    Reply # 3177339 on 3177329

    Hello Gil, and welcome.

    I just entered " Frances 26" in the search box at the head of the Members' area page, because I know that design was mentioned in another topic that strayed somewhat,  away from Arne's International Folkboat, Ingeborg.

    I said this:

    "Frances 26 - yes, a very sweet design, and would convert well, I think."

    The mast would likely go just ahead of the forehatch, through the foredeck. Of course, it depends what use you make of the forepeak, how convenient this would be.

  • 28 Dec 2014 01:39
    Message # 3177329
    Deleted user

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post... I am 47, living in Florida.

    I have been interested in junk rigged boats for a while, thinking that my next boat would have one. Then it dawned on me that I don't have to wait for the next boat... My Morris Frances 26 would probably look pretty good and sail well with a junk rig. Before I go any further, I'd like to ask the experts here if it seems like a good candidate?

    I have the original flush-deck version.



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