Brass rings for eyelets

  • 23 Dec 2014 16:31
    Reply # 3175033 on 3172697

    Thanks for your comments.  Now I need to get the sizes right.

  • 19 Dec 2014 00:38
    Reply # 3172770 on 3172697

    For sailmaking, you need "spurtooth grommets", which have teeth to engage in the cloth. I have standardised on number 2, which have a finished inside diameter of 12mm. For lashing purposes, this is quite big enough. 

    Rather than buy from the USA, you might look at Kayospruce in the UK, where number 2 brass spurtooth grommets are £20 per hundred.

  • 18 Dec 2014 22:06
    Reply # 3172711 on 3172697
    Deleted user


    I have also looked at this. It appears to me that as long as they are of solid brass the difference is negligible. Some of those for sale on e-bay, however, are called 'brass', but are actually steel with brass plating. These are of course unsuitable.

    If I was satisfied that they were solid brass I would be happy buying them from some of the more reliable e-bay suppliers.

  • 18 Dec 2014 21:35
    Message # 3172697

    I am thinking of making a split junk rig.  I worried about matching the vertical dimensions of the jiblets to the rest of the sail, when it occurred to me that I can make the jiblets adjustable if I put an eyelet in each corner and tie each jiblet to the battens.  So I looked at the tools on  They sell 7/8" brass rings for $5.20.  I can find the same size brass rings for $1.20 each on eBay.  Is there any difference between brass rings for leather work and those Sailrite sells that justifies over four times the cost?

    Last modified: 18 Dec 2014 21:38 | Anonymous member
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