Ditto design Jpeg please .
Addressing Annie's concerns re Centre Board Plates.
David the keel end plate is what I was about to suggest; I would also make the centre board box out of 3mm steel. I would weld a flange to the lower end of the box, all being inserted from under the hull; the flange would be faired into the hull and overlap the profile for 6" or so. It would relay all the loads into the hull for a good distance and provide easy fixing and sealing surfaces with the wooden hull. It would be a totally watertight and strong plate and box.
The plate on the keel end would match the box flange and make a lovely strong and closed aperture.
Within the hull i would obviously tie the supports for the sole to the CB box to lock it all together relaying loads into the hull fairly.
All grit blasted and epoxy coated in and out before fitting to wooden hull.
The loads from the winch or hydraulics to lift the plate could then be relayed into the box so no part of the hull was being stressed by the loads of lifting or grounding. A bit like the "Southerly Yachts" do.
A post / handhold could be extended vertically from one end of the box to the deckhead and comprise the lifting gear, easily removed and stowed when not in use.
The top of the box could have a 'lid' inserted in the top slot for when at sea, held with a couple of wing nuts.
The 'lid' could have a length of steel attached and extending down to hold the keel plate down in event of being rolled.
I made a similar set up for an old clinker hull i was renovating, when its CB box leaked like a sieve. It also stiffened the hull well. I carried a 3' long x 6mm x 25mm piece of plate and a hammer, so from the top i could get rid of any stones or lumps; i hadn't fitted an end plate to the keel.
At least with a steel plate and steel box you are not at risk of damaging the side box as is the case with a wooden side.
Of course most of this steelwork is low enough to act as ballast, so needn't add to total displacement if its weight is deducted from the intended additional ballast
As you know i like the Korora design a lot and have a few questions and will make another post when i have time.