Conversion to junk rig - the basics

  • 09 Sep 2014 16:18
    Reply # 3095678 on 3095656
    Deleted user

    Thank you very much for your swift reply Chris.  A shame, but I think that must be the end of the project.


  • 09 Sep 2014 16:05
    Reply # 3095664 on 3095656
    Deleted user

    Hi Charles

    Your Bermudan mast will not be suitable for a junk rig - it won't be strong enough. Looking at the boat profile on Sailboatdata, the mast also appears to be too far aft even for a rig with a lot of balance such as a split rig.

    The lower shrouds alone will not give the mast enough strength, and would probably interfere with the efficient working of a junk sail. They would certainly prevent the use of standing and running parrels, which are essential to the rig.

    Haven't done the measurements or calculations, but I feel you'd need a stronger mast stepped further forward. If you use a tabernacle, it would need to be very strong, and pass through the deck to be stepped on the keel.

    Last modified: 09 Sep 2014 16:12 | Deleted user
  • 09 Sep 2014 15:52
    Message # 3095656
    Deleted user

    I'm thinking seriously of converting my Bermudan rig LM 27 motor sailor to a single sail junk rig.  I have looked through the list of members boats and cannot find another LM there.  The fundamental questions are:

    • will a junk rig work effectively on a mast mounted where my present mast is? (there is a picture of the LM in my profile)
    • if so, could I use my existing 10 metre aluminium mast with its spreaders and cap shrouds removed, leaving only the four lower shrouds in place which will effectively stay the mast in its tabernacle.
    If the answer to both those questions is positive then the conversion is probably feasible and affordable.  If not, then I will have to stick with the present rig, which would be a shame.

    Can anyone please help.

    Charles Nisbet

    Last modified: 09 Sep 2014 16:15 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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