Hi All,
I have a question regarding bend in the top third of the mast and the need for balancing with a forestay.
I have been sailing a 22' Benford Knockabout junk-rigged sloop for the past year. When I purchased the boat, it came with a rope forestay, and I have yet to decommission it.
I am in the process of replacing lines this summer and I am confused about the forestay. When I remove the forestay, there is a pronounced aft curve to the top of the mast ... due to the weight of the sail on the halyard.
I have never been on another junk and I am not able to make a comparison, but my understanding was that junk sails could be (should be) unstayed. If that is the case, is the mast meant to be straight when under tension from the weight of the sail, and if not what is a reasonable bend?
Any thoughts and advice would be most appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Ben Luna
Orcas Island