Do we have a scantling for battens guide on cambered rigs yet?

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  • 22 Apr 2014 23:28
    Reply # 1542081 on 1541618
    I have a throat hauling parrel and HK parrels.  The HK parrels keep most of the creases out of the panels and I don't put a huge amount of tension on the throat parrel.  I  set it up by hand before hauling in the sheet, which makes it easier to set up.  PS: I am no longer moderating this forum as I have been having some health problems.  I think Brian is doing it again.
  • 22 Apr 2014 14:11
    Reply # 1541810 on 1541618
    What's the temper of the alloy, Gary? I suspect it's T5, which is all I could buy in Oz, and that let me down, too, whereas T6 shouldn't/wouldn't have done.
  • 22 Apr 2014 11:04
    Reply # 1541737 on 1541618
    Deleted user
    Those 3 battens all bent back and continue life in my spares pile.
    Graham, does your rig use a throat parrel (Arne's) or a regular Luff hauling parrel?

    The throat parrel does require a lot of tension, almost need a winch for it, to get the wrinkles out of the sail. (Which it does perfectly)
    Maybe it was that parrels fault.

    Last modified: 23 Apr 2014 02:29 | Deleted user
  • 22 Apr 2014 09:45
    Reply # 1541724 on 1541618
    I am surprised ( and concerned) to hear about your batten problems, Gary.  Arion has 38 x 3.3mm battens on a 36sq metre sail and they have so far withstood a pretty punishing schedule.  I did bend them when my yard broke in 2012 but managed to bend them back and have continued using them. I've sailed in winds up to 30 knots, tacking and gybing frequently and had finally convinced myself they were ok!  David Tyler recommended 50 x 1.6mm tube to me when he tweaked my rig design.
  • 22 Apr 2014 02:16
    Message # 1541618
    Deleted user
    We've just bent one of the heavier battens on our 24sqm foresail, kinked at the mast. Didn't think that one would have trouble as only the thinner wall (1.6mm) battens had been bending up till then. It was the 2nd batten down, first sheeted one which had the throat parrel reeved through the luff end too (which might be the reason). So looks like 40x3mm aluminium is too small for a 24sqm. Maybe 50x3mm is the one.
    Last modified: 23 Apr 2014 02:29 | Deleted user
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