
  • 21 Aug 2013 00:06
    Reply # 1370603 on 1363834
    Deleted user
    Beer cans!! Yikes.  No.  Wine corks, yes.  Well we seem to balance ok with the fore and main reefed a bit but yes, the Colvin needs the jib sometimes to balance the main.  The fisherman seemed fun.  Confirmed that yes, it was upside down.  And should be bent on downwind and between the sails more.  Time for more fun experiments this weekend with light winds forecast
  • 14 Aug 2013 17:42
    Reply # 1365085 on 1363834
    Deleted user
    If you can why not just build the extra sail area into your standard sail. You can reef it out so easily... You'll have enough to play with anyway: beer cans, gps, AIS, lost fenders, kids paddling in the cockpit, sanding and varnishing in calms...
  • 14 Aug 2013 05:14
    Reply # 1364728 on 1363834
    Deleted user
    Never mind what Brian says ;o), they have gales daily in that English channel. I live on a wind swept coast myself. But I can see the use for a fisherman's where you sail John. Twiddling yer thumbs all day in calms, playing with extra canvas sounds like the thing to do. 1/2 a knot is not to be sneezed at either. I might be tempted to give it a go, what use is a schooner if you can't have fun stringing up all kinds of laundry?

    But on JR schooner it looks like all the fisherman does is blanket the foresail, so not so sure.
    Last modified: 14 Aug 2013 05:14 | Deleted user
  • 13 Aug 2013 23:11
    Reply # 1364548 on 1364021
    Brian Kerslake wrote:Junk is just so easy - why regress to deck-work and and complications?

    Just so ;-)  But Tom Colvin designs his rigs with jibs (and rigging!), so the boat may not balance without them.
  • 13 Aug 2013 10:25
    Reply # 1364021 on 1363834
    Deleted user
    Hi John. Your links aren't working. Please see the section about linking to photos in our Help section.

    Our Freedom 39 came with staysails but they were the first thing we took off. Junk is just so easy - why regress to deck-work and and complications?
  • 13 Aug 2013 01:38
    Message # 1363834
    Deleted user
    Staysails...does anyone use 'em?  I have a fisherman that I belieeeeve I am using correctly, and in a light wind broad reach, seemed to fill and add half a knot....but looking for advice.  I have it on a halyard off the foremast with a sheet to a cleat aft of the mainmast.  Here are some pictures:

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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