Junk rig CFD

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  • 27 Feb 2025 21:06
    Reply # 13468709 on 13423701
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The results are already very interresting.

    The wingsail is much more efficient at smaller incident angles.


  • 27 Feb 2025 15:18
    Reply # 13468533 on 13423701


    I was able to continue some of my CFD calculations for junk rig profiles (2D). In the meantime, I finetuned the solver and let it run long enough.

    David, your wingsail was next. I took your drawing as you posted it, and made a profile out of it. The results (at 10 kn) show what is expected:

    Recently, I stepped back from comparing the different junk rig types to each other with my 2D simulations. In my view, there are too many variables involved which I don't have at hand: how much camber is there in reality? How is the real profile shaped? Is it the same as designed? How much camber? Is flat really flat? If not, how much camber? The list goes on...

    Instead, I focus on variables which can be determined, for instance: mast position, position of max camber, etc... Let's see how that goes.

    Also, after the wingsail simulations I switched from the transient solver I used to a stationary solver. This one only gives good results until the flow is fully detached, but is way, way, way faster.


  • 19 Nov 2024 00:10
    Reply # 13432315 on 13423701

    This is a fascinating thread. Thanks for doing this work, Paul.

    Graeme: Your work on inflated panel shape VS construction method is very interesting as well. I must have missed it when you first published it.

  • 16 Nov 2024 16:42
    Reply # 13431512 on 13431438
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Anonymous wrote:

    Failure and Progress

     David, I did not let simulations run with your provided wingsail profile yet. I want to ensure solid results for the trivial test cases before commencing to more interesting geometries.


    I would also be interested on a perticular wingsail profile.

    I've already tried a demonstrator of a junkwing. The next step, under slow motion progress is to develop a prototype for Mingming.

    I used a very simple profile : I started with a  classical Clarck Y profile. I only kept the extrado. I made a symetrical profile with two extrado. Then I rotated the two extrado until thry crossed at 70% of the profile.It produced a wishbone forward with two tails.

    The wishbone part is the forward part of the profile. The tails are the positions, on each tack, of the flexible part of the profile in order to have an assymetrical profile.

    To hold the flexible part in position, I use a double sheating system with two points of sheating on each side of the battens.


    3 files
  • 16 Nov 2024 16:13
    Reply # 13431510 on 13431438
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Anonymous wrote:

    Failure and Progress

    Also, after some good nights sleep and some head-scratching, I came to realize what some of you already suggested: For comparison, the Cl/Cd-plot might be not the right choice. What is most interesting for close hauled performance is mainly (or only?) Cl. I’ll go and make some Cl/AoA-plots, next time.

    When sailing to the wind, as presented on the following graphic (alpha the incidence of the sail is 28°), the relevant projections of the total aerodynamical force F are Fr (forward force) and Flat (drifting force) forces, in black. They are the projection of the aerodynamical force F on the boat speed vector (Fr) and perpendicular to the boat speed vector. Now you have again nice equations to represent the boat behavior. Fr is equals the drags of the hull, the keel and ruder. Flat equals the anti-drift force provided mainly by the keel.


    1 file
  • 16 Nov 2024 09:40
    Reply # 13431438 on 13423701

    Failure and Progress

    Short update from the simulation area: Unfortunately, I discovered that some of those simulation results I posted here in the last weeks were taken from not yet converged runs. My fault! It is mainly an issue for AoA’s > 8°. Reason for this: with higher AoA comes more flow separation/ detachment, which creates huge eddies behind the profile. Those simply take longer to resolve numerically than attached flow. It is a pure simulation issue and has nothing to do with real world physics.

    Anyways, I let the simulations rerun up to 30 s (instead of 12-15 s as before). See the results below:


    Sorry for the graph being a bit cramped. Basically, the data with “30s” in its name is from the rerun simulations.

    Good thing is, the big picture doesn’t change. However, there are still some significant deviations. I have to bite the apple and let future simulations run long enough – and double check their convergence.

    It also appears that slightly higher AoA’s would be of interest, too. Let’s say up to 20-30° – specially for the flat cut profile, the maximum of the Cl/Cd-line is not yet reached.

    Also, after some good nights sleep and some head-scratching, I came to realize what some of you already suggested: For comparison, the Cl/Cd-plot might be not the right choice. What is most interesting for close hauled performance is mainly (or only?) Cl. I’ll go and make some Cl/AoA-plots, next time.


    One last thing: A recent conversation with Prof. Graf from the Kiel “Yacht Research Unit” suggested that it might be sufficient to use a steady-state solver. Until now, I used a transient solver (that’s why I talk about computed seconds, i.e. have my simulation run to 30 s – which is not the time it takes to calculate that simulation). If that would speedup things while still being accurate, I’ll go for that! I'll do some comparison runs, then lets see! More hard work for my laptop to come…





    PS: David, I did not let simulations run with your provided wingsail profile yet. I want to ensure solid results for the trivial test cases before commencing to more interesting geometries.

    Last modified: 16 Nov 2024 09:40 | Anonymous member
  • 31 Oct 2024 09:24
    Reply # 13425568 on 13423701
    [...] and also David must have thought about it a lot when designing his wingsail – and for a good reason. The thickness of the nose, the nose radius, does the trick! Regarding performance, a single-ply sheet, even if cambered, can not be as good as a profile with a nose radius.

    Absolutely! There's no doubt that a large nose radius improves alpha tolerance and overall performance. The question that needs answering is not so much about what will improve the JR's performance; the aerodynamics involved are fairly well understood by now. It's more about cost/benefit analysis, or "bangs for your buck". That is, everything that you do to improve the JR's windward performance over that of a flat-cut sail adds complexity (in the case of my wingsail, rather a lot, to the point where, unless the last few percentage points of performance gain were needed for racing purposes, it didn't seem to be all that worthwhile). And then you have to ask yourself "how far am I willing to go to improve my windward performance?" I'm hoping that Paul's CFD work is going to produce some useful data to help rig designers and builders in this decision-making process.

  • 31 Oct 2024 07:59
    Reply # 13425563 on 13423701
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ".. the line was always there, it is just so thin that you could not see it in that view ...I just highlighted it for you..."

    "I can imagine that this sounds wierd...  "   

    No, perfectly clear explanation - thanks.

    Last modified: 31 Oct 2024 08:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 31 Oct 2024 06:45
    Reply # 13425555 on 13423701

    Graeme, the line was always there, it is just so thin that you could not see it in that view. The geometry I used is just a surface, not a volume. When looked at it from the top, it is infinitely thin. However, if I would turn the view by only half a degree, you could see the geometry. I can imagine that this sounds wierd...

    In my recent post I just highlighted it for you with the thick pink line. 


    Last modified: 31 Oct 2024 15:09 | Anonymous member
  • 31 Oct 2024 06:00
    Reply # 13425553 on 13423701
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks Paul

    I know which side is which (leeward/windward  low pressure/high pressure)

    What I could not see on your coloured images was the boundary line between them (ie the 'sail profile' line) which is not shown on your earlier diagrams.

    Now you have drawn it in with that magenta line - so it shows now -  so we can now see a clear line between the windward and the leeward side. 

    But you have drawn that line in after making your your conclusion!

    (Anyone could draw a line which was on one side of the blue bubble in one diagram, and on the other side of it on the other. But that would be circular reasoning).

    I don't doubt your reasoning but I am still puzzled, and feel a bit stupid to admit it. For sure there is something I have missed on your earlier diagrams.

    (I can follow and agree with your general reasoning and can see some real promise in where you are heading with it.  This question is a merely a minor point of interpreting a diagram, which i am lacking).

    Last modified: 31 Oct 2024 06:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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