Ideas for sailmaking leftovers

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  • 10 Jun 2024 10:33
    Reply # 13368103 on 13367933

    Another small leftover-project: chave-resistant slings for mooring at trees or stones.

    As I had some dozens of meters of 50 mm PES webbing and some thick, chafe-resistang pvc cloth (batten pockets at the mast) leftover, I thought that might be useful. The webbing I cut to 3-4 m length, and sewed 10 cm wide eyes on both sides. All enveloped in the pvc cloth and sewn together. Quickly done, costs next to nothing and has a huge effect on safe mooring.

    Sits perfectly on a tree, while protecting the bark due to its 50 mm with. Sits also perfectly on a stone, with the pvc preventing any chave.

    Perfect for mooring in the wild!

    6 files
  • 10 Jun 2024 10:13
    Reply # 13368100 on 13367933

    Thank you. Yes, it folds up quite well - but lacks a proper bag (something for next winter).

    Unfortunately I am only able to upload images to my profile albums, not pdfs... or I am too stupid. I just attached the (very raw) drawing to this post.

    The bulbs are fairy lights, which we attached semi-permanent for nice athmospheric evenings :) They are just simple, cheap LEDs from gardening supply, with a small PV-cell attached. They go on every dawn automatically, and shine through the night. Positive side effect: we don't need to worry about setting our anchor light any more.

    3 files
    Last modified: 10 Jun 2024 10:15 | Anonymous member
  • 10 Jun 2024 04:49
    Reply # 13368074 on 13367933
    Very clever.  Does it fold up?  Perhaps you could put the 'drawings' in your profile for people to copy!

    BTW - what are all the globes hanging from your stern rail?

  • 09 Jun 2024 20:32
    Reply # 13367936 on 13367933

    For me it would have been a shame to soon start forgetting about the wonderful amateur methods.

    Having some sqm of fabric (Swela Outgaard 190) and webbing (25 mm PES) left over, I took to the still smoking sewing machine and created a yellow umbrella as a sun shield. The shape I derived with CAD to get it work without any wrinkles, used amateur method B to sew on "batten pockets" and put in some 25mm grp tubes, connected by alu tubes (like tent poles, but heavy duty). All around the corners I sewed on the 25 mm webbing.

    The four sided sunshield is 2x3 m, carries at the cross point of the battens. I attach a spare halyard there, lift it, and attach 4 diagonal lines all around the cockpit. That makes it very easy to adjust height and angle according to the sun. Works like a charme, and did cost me nothing.

    4 files
  • 09 Jun 2024 20:21
    Message # 13367933


    I am starting this thread to gather ideas, solutions and whatsoever about what we junkies do with the leftovers from junk sailmaking. Surely, there will be some interesting stuff popping up!



    Last modified: 09 Jun 2024 20:21 | Anonymous member
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