Anonymous wrote:
I build steel masts all the time in New Zealand (about twenty to date) they are robust, reasonably light, have a small cross section and give good service.
If you give me the sail area and LAP I can calculate the wall thickness, diameter and taper for you.
Hi Paul, My original Douglas Fir masts are:
Mainmast 13300mm long, LAP 11300mm, diameter at the base 220mm, diameter at the top 110mm. Mainsail 328 square feet.
Foremast 11330mm long, LAP 9830mm, top and bottom diameters the same as the mainmast, Foresail 239 square feet.
I don't know what sort of diameter and taper you would recommend, but if the tops stayed at 110mm I could use the existing mast tops with the fittings for the pulleys, windex, light and radar reflector. I can easily accommodate a narrower width at the partners than the timber masts.
Thanks for your help.