Vanharouva this season

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  • 07 Apr 2013 19:58
    Reply # 1262390 on 1260881
    Deleted user
    Edward Hooper wrote:
    Roy Denton wrote:Edward,  it's at the foot of Robin's profile page - there is only one picture in it, and this  will take you straight to it.  Cheers, Roy.
    Thank you Roy.
    Its good to learn something new every day!!
    Members could take a look at our Help pages as that's where we try to keep answers to questions that get raised more than once. Just click on the Help button in the menu on the left, then scroll through the list. Let me know if there's anything that should be there that isn't. Thanks for helping  out, Roy. I've been offline for a few days.
    Last modified: 07 Apr 2013 19:59 | Deleted user
  • 05 Apr 2013 20:53
    Reply # 1260935 on 1257631
    Deleted user
    Photo "Vanharouva (1/2)" is absolutely beautiful.  Good luck on your project and your voyage in the Baltic. 
  • 05 Apr 2013 20:08
    Reply # 1260881 on 1259565
    Deleted user
    Roy Denton wrote:Edward,  it's at the foot of Robin's profile page - there is only one picture in it, and this  will take you straight to it.  Cheers, Roy.
    Thank you Roy.
    Its good to learn something new every day!!
  • 05 Apr 2013 00:50
    Reply # 1260190 on 1257631
    Deleted user
    I am sorry, I could have checked.......
  • 04 Apr 2013 22:36
    Reply # 1260121 on 1257631
    We discussed parachutes and drogues here. Could you ask your questions within that topic, please, so that we keep the discussions in one place?
  • 04 Apr 2013 18:34
    Reply # 1259863 on 1257631
    Deleted user
    Please note that mast goes through the fore hatch, I made an epoxylaminate which was bolted in place with sikaflex sealant and left unpainted so it serves as  skylight too. The new small window in fore end of doghouse tells that I am making some sort of inside steering and sailhandling system so some sort of visibility forward and up is necessary.I plan to make a parachute type of sea anchor ca 1,5 m ( 6ft) diam. Have anyone of you experience with such an anchor? I also plan to make a small trysail to hove-to  with the sea anchor and having the junk sail tied to gallows fore and aft . Is that a good idea?
    Have started working with alterations inside and the weather is slowly warming up with feezing degrees only at night and look forward to the coming summer with great expectations.
    The deck layout and trysail skech can be found in the technical forum illustration gallery.
  • 04 Apr 2013 13:25
    Reply # 1259565 on 1257631
    Deleted user
    Edward,  it's at the foot of Robin's profile page - there is only one picture in it, and this  will take you straight to it.  Cheers, Roy.
  • 04 Apr 2013 09:16
    Reply # 1259400 on 1257631
    Deleted user
    Robin Fröberg wrote:
    Changes in deck security layout on Vanharouva incoming season.See my photogallery. 
    Here still below zero celsius so good sailing to you who can,
    Regret cannot locate your photogallery.
    Can you give us a pointer?
    It is still around zero here as well.  Colder than Christmas!!
    Last modified: 04 Apr 2013 09:14 | Edward Hooper
  • 03 Apr 2013 22:54
    Reply # 1258917 on 1257631
    I think the gallows/grab rail that is shown on the drawing is an excellent idea, Robin. I have one in a similar place, and it protects that "bad step", as you climb in and out of the cockpit, slightly off-balance.

    Enjoy your cruise through the Baltic. I certainly did, when I transited the Gota Canal and wandered through the Aland Archipelago as far as Naantali, in 2004.
  • 03 Apr 2013 09:00
    Reply # 1258167 on 1257631
    Deleted user
    i am really impressed!!
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