AGM and Brixham Heritage Regatta Saturday 25th May 2019

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  • 19 Jan 2019 20:17
    Message # 7010243

    The Junk Rig Association AGM will take place on 25 May 2019 commencing at 3pm at the Brixham Yacht Club, Devon, United Kingdom. Full details are attached to this message.

    Sailing activities for members will be integrated into the Brixham Heritage Regatta. The Regatta programme is also attached.

    The JRA is very grateful to the Brixham Yacht Club and the Heritage Regatta Committee for making us feel so welcome. We hope for a good turnout of members and a fine selection junk sailing vessels at the Event.

    Rob Prince


    2 files
  • 19 Jan 2019 20:39
    Reply # 7010284 on 7010243



    Members are encouraged to put their names forward to become committee members. If you are interested then please contact an existing Committee member who can walk you through the application process. Nominations will close on 13 April 2019

  • 20 Jan 2019 08:31
    Reply # 7011093 on 7010243

    For those of us intending to bring our boats, the entry form is here:

    Brixham Heritage Regatta entry form

    "The Brixham Heritage Sailing Regatta, is not a race; in the modern era it is now a Corinthian Fleet, sail-in-company.
    The Heritage Committee have reviewed and re-written the Sailing Instructions for all Classes to further reflect the Corinthian status that has had to be adopted by the Regatta.
    Handicaps are applied to Classes 2 to 6, purely so that the Regatta Officer and the team can judge which boats have shown the best expertise and sailing skills during the afternoon's event."

    In other words, probably for legal and insurance reasons, it can't be called a race - but the aim is to sail around the course faster than everyone else.

    Last modified: 31 Jan 2019 17:30 | Anonymous member
  • 20 Jan 2019 16:35
    Reply # 7011380 on 7010243
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear All

    As your point of contact for the AGM here is the complete information pack for AGM & the Regatta in Brixham. 

    I hope to see many of you turning up, hopefully in boats.

    The response so far has been excellent. Come and join us! 

    Contact me via email:


    2 files
    Last modified: 20 Jan 2019 16:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 20 Jan 2019 19:39
    Reply # 7011658 on 7010243

    Well, I've completed my entry form and sent it in. Now all I have to do is get there (and, I hope, be in contention for the trophy awarded to the boat that comes from furthest away).

  • 06 Feb 2019 00:08
    Reply # 7149031 on 7011658
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    Well, I've completed my entry form and sent it in. Now all I have to do is get there (and, I hope, be in contention for the trophy awarded to the boat that comes from furthest away).

    Darn! I was hoping to be in the running for that one! Nevermind.
    Anyone interested in crewing from Cardiff to Brixham? All or part of the trip and the AGM regatta weekend. I have a berth available. Aiming to leave early-ish May for a leisurely passage to the West country South coast with time in hand to avoid any nasty weather (hopefully) and enjoy the scenery.
     Contact me by email via JRA. Nick
  • 07 Feb 2019 13:33
    Reply # 7151755 on 7010243

    Aha! A quick glance at the entries for the Jester Baltimore Challenge reveals entry no. 6: Nick Head,  in Tao, a Parkwood 28! A good follow on to the Brixham junket.

    But no other junks that I can spot.

  • 12 Apr 2019 08:36
    Reply # 7279037 on 7010243

    Penny Jolley, Secretary of the Brixham Heritage Sailing Regatta has kindly bigged us up in her article, with photos, for the English Riviera Magazine.  It can be viewed online at -  Page 33.

    Penny has a copy for each boat that has entered and advises that if we want more then can contact the publishers -



    07718 884482 or 07455 206470


    By Post:

    English Riviera Magazine
    69 Davies Avenue
    TQ4 7AW

    By Facebook:

    By Twitter



  • 12 Apr 2019 09:37
    Reply # 7279063 on 7010243

    "Although the sails can be sheeted in to be close hauled, junks do not sail well into the wind" says Penny.

    "Harrumph", I reply. "Let's see about that."

    Last modified: 12 Apr 2019 09:37 | Anonymous member
  • 18 May 2019 09:04
    Reply # 7347936 on 7010243

    Weaverbird has just departed Isles of Scilly heading E.  River Rat is heading W down channel. How about a sitrep from other boats heading for Brixham?

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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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