Junk Rigged Sailboat for sale:

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  • 20 May 2018 22:32
    Reply # 6245523 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    Below are Mfg drawing pic and also pic of Daisy Mae out of the water, the first one is back from early 80s when the previous owner first bought the boat.  He took out the outboard and put the inboard Hercules diesel. 

    The next pic shos Daisy Mae all bottom painted and ready to be hauled.  Note the type of truck hauling it as that is probably what will be needed to tow the 10k+ pound load.

    Let me know if any one has any more questions.

    4 files
  • 20 May 2018 23:38
    Reply # 6245594 on 6240597
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Something tells me there is a great story behind these photos.

    If the previous owner is too busy, do you think you could write up some of those anecdotes from memory?

    Starting with the drawing – the style, and the simple old-fashion layout - it looks like something out of an old magazine – something around the Johnny Wray era - I’d love to know the origin and the intentions of the project.

    Last modified: 21 May 2018 00:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 21 May 2018 15:19
    Reply # 6247069 on 6245594
    Deleted user
    Graeme Kenyon wrote:

    Something tells me there is a great story behind these photos.

    If the previous owner is too busy, do you think you could write up some of those anecdotes from memory?

    Starting with the drawing – the style, and the simple old-fashion layout - it looks like something out of an old magazine – something around the Johnny Wray era - I’d love to know the origin and the intentions of the project.

    Graeme thank you for request.  I have reached out to Jim - the previous owner and I will paste his reply below verbatim 


    You are not bothering me, you are being a good friend, I would tell you if there was a problem. I rather enjoy the interest in the boat you have generated and have thought many times about writing a short story about my involvement with "The Junk".  I will be leaving tomorrow headed for Atlanta area for grandsons high school graduation and later on to Savannah for visit with in-laws. Should be gone a week or so. When I get back, I will try my hand at writing up how I came to buy the Junk and bring it to Virginia. It will be my first short story, many people over the years have suggested I write a book, not just about the Junk but also my growing up in the now infamous Flint Michigan, U.S. Navy & NASA experiences, the commune days in Canada and Oregon along with the "protest" activities involving Nukes. A lot can happen in 70 tears. I recently received my military service package and did not remember I was a member of the "Royal Order of the Blue Nose" , appears I crossed the Arctic Circle 3 times while in the Navy. Anyway, a short story about the boat would help my kids remember grandpa.  So, you can tell the fellow I will make an attempt to capture in words my time with the Junk. You can share any of our conversations or emails with the JRA folks that you feel are appropriate.  This could be fun.



  • 21 May 2018 18:01
    Reply # 6247635 on 6240597

    That'll be something to look forward to!


  • 23 May 2018 13:28
    Reply # 6255702 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    At this point while we await a write-up/short story from Jim (the previous owner, which could be some time coming by the way) I would like to go off the tangent from the current discussion back to the original intent of the post - selling Daisy Mae.

    I would like to get a feel for logistics type questions.  Just to refresh it is in a nice quiet marina in Hampton, Virginia and most likely there is no real hurry to move boat.  The feedback on the asking price has been positive but be aware I am thinking of raising it to match Dragon Lady once I find the pirate to go with Daisy Mae.  So seriously, maybe a discussion on how to move it or sail it to your place might be useful.

    I am now planning a trip to Hampton when Jim returns from his trip.  First order would be to get some basic housekeeping done - ie start engine etc.   Let me know what questions you have in this regard.  Thanks

  • 27 May 2018 00:58
    Reply # 6265814 on 6240597
    Deleted user


    I have received a Deposit on Daisy Mae and Sale is Pending.  Thanks

  • 14 Jun 2018 01:48
    Reply # 6310927 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    She is mine!! Rrrrrrrr!!! Hahaha she goes on the hard tomorrow for extensive restoration.

    2 files
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