wanted: patterns to build split junk sail aprox 17sq meters (185 sq ft)

  • 14 Nov 2017 00:18
    Message # 5584929
    Deleted user

    I recently purchased a Mariner 19 that I want to put a split junk rig on.  I have the boat,

     the sail cloth, a suitable mast.... even a great sewing machine to do the job.  But what I need are some patterns for the panels for the main and jiblets.  Iḿ sure that Iḿ not the first one on the site to want a sail about this size and I would be very greatful to anyone that could supply me with these for a reasonable price.   I can be reached at 

    johnmerritt2008@yahoo.com     Iḿ hoping to build the sail over the winter so I can be sailing this summer. Thank you.

  • 15 Nov 2017 22:27
    Reply # 5588285 on 5584929

     Hi John,

    When I finished building the 175sq.ft split rig for Edward's Splinter 21 Amiina I just bundled up any patterns and threw them on the pile in the loft. Since then the pile has be disturbed, and as they were not labelled then I doubt if I could work out which are what. If I were to build a repeat of that rig I wouldn't bother looking for them as it would be easier to draw any new ones.

    Thinking about it, I think there were only one or two patterns as I usually draw the panels full size on the sail material and use the first panel pieces as a pattern for the other identical panels. At 175 sq.ft and five panels the main panels are only about two metres by one metre, and the jibs one by one metre, so they are quite small and handy to work on. The top panel with the angled yard is the hardest one to sort as the main leech is rather long, and I still would prefer to build it as a non-split panel if only for ease of construction and rigging.

    In theory I'm writing the notes on the split junk rig, as the ones that are available were only in draft, unfinished form, but as usual I have been side-tracked and it will be quite some time before they get completed. The intension is to include all the latest modifications and simpler construction techniques which make it easier to build, and seem to improve the performance. It will also include the drawing I worked from for the Amiina rig. If you want a copy just e-mail me direct, but don't hold your breath as it's only a simple line drawing on an A4 page with a few dimensions on it. I only used that drawing and the Round and Broadseam spreadsheet when building the rig.

    As usual, when building the rig I was experimenting, and used different techniques on different panels, in an effort to find the simplest way to do the job with the minimum of sewing, so the idea of the new write up is to report what was tried and found to work. For example, I would probably use angled shelf foot for the main panels next time, though they do need a small but vital extra calculation.

    This is not the answer you were looking for, but it may show you that it is possible to draw straight onto the cloth and save some effort.

    Cheers, Slieve.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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