Wanted - Junk rigged boat ~30' LOA

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  • 29 Apr 2011 00:24
    Reply # 579809 on 550184
    Deleted user

    Hi Asmat,

    Your boat sounds great, if a little smaller than I wanted.  Just now I have a gentlemans' agreement on another boat, which I am hoping will come good.  If not I will surely take a look at your boat.  Good luck with your new boat, and selling the old one.

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks for taking the time to look out possible boats for me.  I'm hoping to spend longer amounts of time on the boat, so the ones you list are a bit too small.  I'm sure they would be great fun, but my advancing years and inflexible spine call for a bit more space and headroom.

    Regards,     Roy.

  • 20 Jul 2011 18:48
    Reply # 659531 on 550184
    Deleted user
    Well, it seems to have taken forever, but I have at last bought Pete Hill's boat, Pelican, a Freedom 33 (aka 35) which he has converted to junk ketch rig, with hinged battens.  Still trying to sort out a few jobs the insurers required before I can go to sea in her, which I expect to be by the end of next week.  Decided on a name change - she will now be known as Ying Zhou, and I intend to take her north at the end of August, maybe take a mooring in Preston Marina for a year to get the cosmetic jobs done, then who knows where.  The North Wales rally would be a good target on the trip north, so I may swell the attendance figures to four (so far).
  • 20 Jul 2011 19:21
    Reply # 659573 on 550184
    Congratulations, Roy.  Fair Winds and much enjoyment.  Jonathan
  • 21 Jul 2011 02:49
    Reply # 659878 on 659531
    Roy Denton wrote:Well, it seems to have taken forever, but I have at last bought Pete Hill's boat, Pelican, a Freedom 33 (aka 35) which he has converted to junk ketch rig, with hinged battens.  Still trying to sort out a few jobs the insurers required before I can go to sea in her, which I expect to be by the end of next week.  Decided on a name change - she will now be known as Ying Zhou, and I intend to take her north at the end of August, maybe take a mooring in Preston Marina for a year to get the cosmetic jobs done, then who knows where.  The North Wales rally would be a good target on the trip north, so I may swell the attendance figures to four (so far).


    Fantastic news, I'm really pleased for you.
  • 30 Aug 2011 07:00
    Reply # 687936 on 550184
    Great news, Roy.  I was wondering what had happened.  I do a great job of selling Pete's boats for him :-}

    What does the new name mean?  I hope you have heaps of fun with your new little ship.
  • 30 Aug 2011 08:01
    Reply # 687955 on 687936
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote:Great news, Roy.  I was wondering what had happened.  I do a great job of selling Pete's boats for him :-}

    What does the new name mean?  I hope you have heaps of fun with your new little ship.

    Hi Annie,  Welcome back from your wanderings - now we can look forward to more of your ramblings ;-)

    The name Ying Zhou is the name of a chinese girl I new briefly - pretty girl, pretty boat - nothing more complicated.  There were just too many Pelicans on the ITU database, and I wanted something more unique.

    Just about to go collect my crew to sail from Plymouth to Milford Haven as a start to the trip north, calling in at the Caernarfon Rally if I can time it right.


  • 31 Aug 2011 07:05
    Reply # 688781 on 550184
    Ramblings, forsooth!  A girl might be hurt.  Hope you have a good passage.
  • 15 Feb 2013 14:54
    Reply # 1209356 on 550184
    Deleted user

    I Have a boat for sale - please see my ad. placed today. Phone 07941 615 309.

    Keith Taylor. 15.02 13.

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