sail wanted

  • 25 Mar 2017 14:14
    Message # 4689438
    Deleted user

    I'm looking for a flat cut Coromandel sail. I intend to make or have made, a new one but am looking for a secondhand one ton get me through the season!

  • 27 Mar 2017 13:37
    Reply # 4692952 on 4689438
    Deleted user

    Hello Michael,

    I have a flat-cut Kingfisher 20 sail, if that is any good. Not one of the original Hasler ones, it is a Sunbird sail. 5 panels, in sky blue. Is this any use to you?

    Free to a good home, so you're welcome to pick it up (Devon) or pay for me to courier it to you.

    Let me know if you'd like me to measure it.

    (I see it is in my little photo here)


    Last modified: 27 Mar 2017 13:38 | Deleted user
  • 28 Mar 2017 09:53
    Reply # 4695100 on 4689438
    Deleted user

    Hello Chris,

    That is interesting. Please email me details, size etc (in feet and inches please as I cannot get my head around metric!) . Your new sail looks superb, did you make it?


    Last modified: 28 Mar 2017 09:54 | Deleted user
  • 12 Apr 2017 14:02
    Reply # 4748058 on 4689438
    Deleted user

    Hi Mike,

    The sail is in the post! I hope it does what you want from it.



  • 13 Apr 2017 09:59
    Reply # 4749857 on 4689438
    Deleted user

    Hi Chris,

    It has come! Many thanks, now for the fun of fitting 


  • 13 Apr 2017 11:19
    Reply # 4749922 on 4689438
    Deleted user

    Hi Mike,

    Can I be really cheeky and ask that when you have your new sail and if you have no further use for this one, I could buy it from you?. I have a Invader 20 (snapdragon 20) thst I am converting to junk this year and will be looking for exactly this sail for next season. If that fits with your plans please keep me in mind.

    Thanks, Nick

  • 14 Apr 2017 09:19
    Reply # 4751768 on 4749922
    Deleted user
    Nicholas Head wrote:

    Hi Mike,

    Can I be really cheeky and ask that when you have your new sail and if you have no further use for this one, I could buy it from you?. I have a Invader 20 (snapdragon 20) thst I am converting to junk this year and will be looking for exactly this sail for next season. If that fits with your plans please keep me in mind.

    Thanks, Nick

    Hi Nick, Watch out for some pics (blue sail) when it's fitted to Butterfly. I'm happy to pass it on at the end of the season if all goes well.


  • 15 Apr 2017 00:59
    Reply # 4752882 on 4751768
    Deleted user
    Michael Moore wrote:
    Nicholas Head wrote:

    Hi Mike,

    Can I be really cheeky and ask that when you have your new sail and if you have no further use for this one, I could buy it from you?. I have a Invader 20 (snapdragon 20) thst I am converting to junk this year and will be looking for exactly this sail for next season. If that fits with your plans please keep me in mind.

    Thanks, Nick

    Hi Nick, Watch out for some pics (blue sail) when it's fitted to Butterfly. I'm happy to pass it on at the end of the season if all goes well.


    Many thanks Mike. I will watch out for the photos. Nick
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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