David Thatcher wrote:
it looks like a Frank Blom design. He designed some interesting boats through the 1970's and 80's including the 17' Swirly World in which New Zealand pop singer and talk show host Andrew Fagan has done some amazing Roger Taylor type voyages. If anyone wants a good read search for 'Swirly World Sails South' by Andrew Fagan.
Im a big fan of
Swirly World. Andrew kindly sent me her plans
. She is a 'stretched' (!) version of a 16 ft fin keeled, multichined, glass-over-ply racer, with a rig purloined from a 22 ft Alan Wright Variant. She was originally built by an eccentric cabinet maker for solitary travels between Tauranga and Northland. I've been aboard her, and considering that boat has now doubled the Tasman Sea and been to Auckland Islands shows how much can be achieved with so little, if you're tough enough... thinking about downsizing, David? ;-)