NEW Junk Sails in Maine for Sale

  • 24 Jan 2017 00:39
    Message # 4564914
    Deleted user

    Brand New junk sails created for a project that didn't make it off the ground *sad face*

    Asking 9000

  • 24 Jan 2017 19:50
    Reply # 4566522 on 4564914
    Oh dear, that sounds like an unhappy story.  Are you sure we can't offer you the support you need to finish the project?  It must have been well on the way if you have the sails made.
  • 04 Feb 2017 19:16
    Reply # 4591260 on 4564914

    Do you have any specifications on the sails?

    Thank you!


       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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