36’ aluminum sailboat for sale

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  • 20 Dec 2016 18:26
    Reply # 4468970 on 4242570
    Deleted user

    David! A pleasure to hear from you.  Is ths design you refer to; the design with the large primary junk sail and the dipping lug mizzen?  I am thinking the forward-most tabernacle could be reconfigured to a smaller schooner setup and be paired with a taller mid-mast with higher aspect junk sail.  Might the existing mizzen mast be required for balance, stabilizing, or just addition drive?  We sent an email to the post(er) and await response.  Interior pictures would be nice, detailing systems,  etc. 

  • 20 Dec 2016 20:40
    Reply # 4469202 on 4242570

    Yes, I was thinking that only a low AR sail with a low yard angle would put enough area in the right position. Even so, the main mast would have to be higher. The mizzen would only be a balancing sail, and the "first reef". There doesn't seem to be enough room between the fore and main masts for a foresail of sufficient area to be worthwhile, so to add a foresail, the mainsail needs to be moved aft, to somewhere near amidships. then you'd have the usual distribution of areas for a three-masted schooner. It would be usual to stay with two masts on a boat this size, but I can think of one other three-master that's even smaller - Meleet.

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