Wanted 26ft - 30ft junk

  • 07 Jun 2016 20:55
    Message # 4062727

    Hey there,

    we are looking for a junk rigged Kingfisher, Contessa or similar from 26ft.
    to 30ft.. Location somewhere on the european mainland or southern U.K..

    Price up to around £4000.

    There is no need for "fancy cushions" or even a motor but a solid structure to build up on...
    If you know anything please message us here or via mail:


    Thanks a lot and best regards 

    Frank and Louisa

  • 07 Jun 2016 22:56
    Reply # 4062916 on 4062727
    Have you had a look at this Virgo Voyager?  A bit smaller than you're looking for, but they are roomy little boats.

    Or this Macwester? 27 feet and already in Tenerife!

    Or this Kingfisher 26, which is just what you're looking for.  They're asking more than you want to pay, but it seems a reasonable price to me: the boat appears to come with a lot of gear for that money.

  • 08 Jun 2016 16:02
    Reply # 4063979 on 4062727

    Hello Annie,

    thanks a lot for your reply.

    The Virgo Voyager is indeed a roomy boat, but still too small for us we reckon…

    We’ve already been in contact with Robin from Sunbird Marine about Rabbit( which looked like the perfect boat),

    but it’s reserved at the moment and we have to wait how it turns out.

    The Macwester is too far from Germany for us right now.

    So we are still looking…

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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