Complete Junk Rig for sale

  • 29 Apr 2016 11:59
    Message # 3994234

    Member Roger Holmes asks if we could advertise some junk boat gear for him. He sold his 30 foot Seawitch but the new owner did not want any of the junk related stuff (no accounting for taste!). He therefore has all the following for sale which he says would suit a 30 foot or similar size boat and would be ideal for anyone converting to JR.

    1 x 43 foot aluminium mast (He thinks this is 165mm x 3mm)
    A white flat-cut Hasler style junk sail, 450 square feet
    1 x aluminium yard
    1 x wood and aluminium boom
    7 x wooden battens
    Mast partners.

    He would hope to realise around £1,000 for the lot and would consider any reasonable offer. The items are all in the Ipswich/Woodbridge area

    Please contact Roger Holmes directly about this if you are interested. He can be contacted on 07501140688 mobile or 01394384409 landline.


    Last modified: 03 May 2016 19:16 | Anonymous
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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