Crib is now sold...

  • 12 Jan 2016 15:28
    Message # 3754491
    Deleted user a delightful Aussie!

    Last modified: 02 Apr 2016 02:41 | Deleted user
  • 13 Jan 2016 17:09
    Reply # 3756489 on 3754491

    Hi Lesley,

    Sorry to hear that you're going ashore! Though it sounds like there's lots of fun to be had there too. Thanks so much for all the news. The decision process sounds very sensible – here's to doing a good job of taking care of oneself! Here's hoping that CRIB finds a great new home, in short order. What a fascinating boat, with loads of outstanding gear.

    With all VERY BEST wishes!

  • 14 Jan 2016 15:09
    Reply # 3758391 on 3754491
    Deleted user

    Hi Shemaya,

    Many thanks for the good wishes! Aside from the hip problem, spending April to December of 2015 back in France, brought home how much I missed the Land, and the seasons, and, believe it or not, being COLD! And me the woman who always wished to live in a warm climate LOL. We built a rocket mass heater before we left, which heats up a 5metre cob and granite bench, so I feel we can keep warm on our return! That problem solved, we've been learning about permaculture and I'm looking forward to growing our own food as well as getting involved in a little seed anarchy. We both plan to 'adopt' an heirloom vegetable and keep it going for posterity, and those in the future who don't want F1 hybrids!

    I think René would like another boat, but I've suggested he hire by the day, as his first mate engineer is retiring!

    We've kept the price low for Crib, because we do believe that it's more important that she gets out on the water, with new owner(s) living the dream than us recouping every last cent we put in! We always viewed Crib as a bit of fun and never as an investment for the future. Nothing too serious and grown up for me ;o)

    Am writing you a pm, which may end up being sent from Langkawi, but wanted to say quick thanks



  • 14 Jan 2016 16:06
    Reply # 3758563 on 3754491


    off subject, but interested in you Rocket Stove in cob wall, any details on-line?



  • 15 Jan 2016 22:16
    Reply # 3762099 on 3754491

    There is a bit on SV Crib on youtube:

  • 17 Jan 2016 09:34
    Reply # 3764290 on 3758563
    Deleted user
    Mark Thomasson wrote:


    off subject, but interested in you Rocket Stove in cob wall, any details on-line?



    hI Mark, 

    I have sent you a private message with some weblinks,

    Also uploaded some images to my photo album 'rocket'  Click on  my name (opposite) to go to profile and albums. Btw I heard that someone in Holland put one of these on a barge!



    Last modified: 17 Jan 2016 09:45 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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