35ft John Hanna steel junk-rigged boat in Wellington

  • 03 Jan 2016 20:56
    Message # 3737462
    There's a very nice-looking double ender for sale on Trade Me.  It's a very simple fitout and you might want more for offshore work.  Look carefully - the $90,000 includes the marina: the boat is only $45,000.  You can come to sunny New Zealand to start your round the world voyage!
  • 10 Jan 2016 15:58
    Reply # 3750541 on 3737462

    Very nice indeed! Ticks off most of my boxes. Just sent the owner an email with further inquiries.

    How much should I expect to pay for a haulout and landbased storage (anywhere) in NZ? Given the off chance that I'd go through with this, I would fly down there, stay for a month or two while working remotely and then fly back home. I'm not in the position to leave for full time cruising just yet, but I've been actively searching for a boat with very specific traits for a good while now and nothing's really come up until now. It just might be worth it, depending on the replies I get from the owner.

  • 10 Jan 2016 17:28
    Reply # 3750786 on 3737462

    It is a slow boat though... More canvas would help. It looks like it has around 50-55 sqm now, which gives it a SA/disp of 12-13. Adding a mizzen with 15 sqm would bring the SA/disp up to 15-16. I'm just guessing the displacement to be around 9 tons.

    Paul: La Chica seems to have 62 sqm (SA/disp 15.5), do you find this to be adequate? And what do you think about the above boat in general?

  • 10 Jan 2016 20:34
    Reply # 3750959 on 3737462

    Just got a reply; the boat is sold. :(

    The search continues.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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