Still searching for a boat...

  • 14 Feb 2015 01:32
    Message # 3225818
    Deleted user

    I've spent months searching online for our future boat and the last several days searching through old posts on the JRA without success. We've had lots of help from some great people and seen some nice boats but still haven't found the right one! But who better to turn to for help than the JRA?

    What we're looking for: at a minimum we're looking for a metal hull (preferably Al); +/- 40ft (for long-term, long-distance cruising); two private sleeping cabins.

    Ideally it would also be <5.5ft draft, have a hard dodger or pilothouse, have excellent engine access and dedicated sea berths.

    Any leads, even if they only check half of the boxes, would be greatly appreciated. We're on a tight budget and don't mind doing some work to the boat either. Thanks in advance for your assistance!!

  • 15 Feb 2015 09:00
    Reply # 3226417 on 3225818
    Deleted user

    see there is also a design with a junk rig. (yes it's our boat)

  • 20 Feb 2015 04:52
    Reply # 3230344 on 3225818
    Deleted user

    Aside from sunbird marine (which is very good!) Does anyone know of good places to search for junks? I've pretty well exhausted sailboatlistings and yachtworld, there's got to be some other good places to look!

  • 23 Feb 2015 02:15
    Reply # 3232257 on 3225818
    Deleted user

    I think you need a lot of patience to find the right boat.  It took me a couple years of watching.

    Last modified: 23 Feb 2015 02:16 | Deleted user
  • 27 Feb 2015 19:17
    Reply # 3237183 on 3225818

    Hi Tom, have you looked at our boat, Arcadian. She is still for sale and is a very comfortable cruising home with many of the features you seem to be looking for. She has two separate sleeping cabins, two heads, a deck-house which is a marvelous place to be both in port and when sailing. I posted an update so she is immediately below your last post. She has recently been NZ Cat 1 certified for offshore use.

  • 27 Feb 2015 20:46
    Reply # 3237253 on 3225818
    Deleted user

    Hi David, I have looked at the Arcadian before and she is an amazing boat. The panoramic view is a great way to see the boat too! Unfortunately its out of our price range but thanks for the suggestion!

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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