Wanted: Junk Rig bilge keel 23 to 28 footer for single handing

  • 04 Feb 2015 21:04
    Message # 3217909
    Deleted user

    I have been lurking for a year or so and now only work part time so I am starting to look for a junk rigged boat to buy in the UK. I am looking for a bilge keel 23 to 28 footer that would be suitable for single handing, more or less ready to sail as I don't want to spend my sailing time in a boatyard.

  • 04 Feb 2015 21:47
    Reply # 3217933 on 3217909

    At the top end of your range is Ivory Gull, the GRP 28ft Maurice Griffiths 'Lone Gull' design that I fitted out and launched in 1995. Until 2000, I sailed her single handed around the coasts of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, aiming to be living aboard from equinox to equinox. She's on the back page of issue 67 of the magazine.

  • 05 Feb 2015 01:10
    Reply # 3218042 on 3217909

    There's a Newbridge Venturer on ebay at the moment. I don't know the boat personally but I also have a Venturer and am happy with it. 

    They were built as JR are 22' and this one ,like mine, seems to have the original flat Hasler/McLeod rig.



  • 05 Feb 2015 01:49
    Reply # 3218057 on 3217909
    Deleted user

    Ivory Gull is indeed still available. Safe, comfortable, straightforward for single-handing and very beautiful. A well-behaved boat for weekending or extended cruising. Pretty much ready to go, though her sails are original and could need replacing sometime soonish depending on how hard you want to work her. With what you'd like to do she's well worth a look. If she's what you want once you've looked then ... well she's been for sale for a while now so price is negotiable.

    At the moment she's out of the water on the Hamble. She'll be back afloat pretty much as soon as we've got anti-fouling on and I'm happy to provide a demonstration sail. There's more details of her on Robin Blain's Sunbird brokerage. If you're interested then please feel free to contact me direct on selling.ivory.gull(at)blowq.com.

    Selling due to increasingly poor health.

    With best wishes,


  • 05 Feb 2015 20:10
    Reply # 3218655 on 3217909
    Deleted user

    Thanks David, I was so busy looking, I missed the e-mail alert for the new Newsletter.

    Ivory Gull looks beautifully restored, I think for my first season or two I need something I can feel comfortable making mistakes in, and I should have said my budget was upto about 10k, so sorry Gerry not quite right just now.

    Thanks Rick will have a look and bear it in mind.


  • 28 Feb 2015 21:45
    Reply # 3237969 on 3217909

    You may be interested in my boat, it is at 26 ft Newbridge Pioneer Pilot, junk rigged, currently in the boatyard at Totnes.  I often sail single handed, but am looking to change for a slightly larger boat (junk rigged as well).  If you are interested,  have a look at  have a look at Stayfree in the photo gallery.  You can email me on: clive@warren.gb.com 

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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