Ivory Gull is indeed still available. Safe, comfortable, straightforward for single-handing and very beautiful. A well-behaved boat for weekending or extended cruising. Pretty much ready to go, though her sails are original and could need replacing sometime soonish depending on how hard you want to work her. With what you'd like to do she's well worth a look. If she's what you want once you've looked then ... well she's been for sale for a while now so price is negotiable.
At the moment she's out of the water on the Hamble. She'll be back afloat pretty much as soon as we've got anti-fouling on and I'm happy to provide a demonstration sail. There's more details of her on Robin Blain's Sunbird brokerage. If you're interested then please feel free to contact me direct on selling.ivory.gull(at)blowq.com.
Selling due to increasingly poor health.
With best wishes,