For sale: Second hand copy of Practical Junk Rig (UK)

  • 29 Jul 2024 16:22
    Message # 13387680
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I had an email from Chris Hobday, a past member of the JRA who converted a Golden Hind to Junk rig around 20 years ago.

    He writes:

    I have a copy of the book Practical Junk Rig which is in excellent condition, except for the dust jacket which is a bit tatty along the top, no marks, scribbles or tears on any pages which I would like to pass onto preferably a junk rig enthusiast...

    Rather than put it on E-Bay or similar I would prefer a junk rig enthusiast, as I say, have the book and would be happy to pass it on for say £20 or offers plus postage, if anybody is interested.

    I live in Somerset, near Yeovil, but pass by the Solent area along the M27 frequently to see our daughter in West Sussex, so could alway drop the book off, if that was an option.

    Anyone who's interested, please either reply here or email me, and I'll pass your details along to Chris

    Last modified: 29 Jul 2024 16:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 02 Aug 2024 20:07
    Reply # 13389591 on 13387680

    Ooh I've been looking for a copy of that book, I'll message you with my details.

  • 03 Aug 2024 10:03
    Reply # 13389760 on 13387680
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    There was another direct email earlier in the day, so that's two sets of details that I've passed through to Chris - I hope at least one of you will be satisfied!

    In the mean time, if anyone else has a spare copy, it seems that there's at least one other taker.


       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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