More progress below the waterline:
1. Templated the bottom of the hull where the mast step will meet the hull. Used carboard strips and a glue gun to get the job done.
2. Cut out each of the "stations" from 1/4 inch ply.
3. Test fit the pieces in the boat.
4. Go on deck and drill the pilot hole for the mast.
5. Run a plumb line from the hole to the mast step to ensure alignment. (it is aligned!)
6. Used the base of the donor mast that had to be trimmed off to ensure that the mast would land in the right place. It does!
Immediate next steps: grind the hull in prep for installation of the step; treat the wood with epoxy to ensure water tightness; install base of step; trim a peice of ply for the top of the step; create spigot to receive bottom of the mast