Taniwha - might be of interest?

  • 08 Jul 2012 23:18
    Reply # 1001015 on 999957
    Andrew Bailey wrote:

    And, looking at the link you included in your post, which has 171 characters, reminded me that in cases where such a link, often to a document inside a larger file, is long, it can easily be shortened by using Tinyurl.com  free software that you download and has it's own link sitting in your Favourites Bar, until required.

    Kind regards.


    Actually, we have the same thing already built into the toolbar that you see when you write a post. When you click on the Link button, and see and open "insert link",you can paste in the full URL in the top left corner, then go to the bottom right corner and put in whatever short text you like. For instance,  I have put in click here to take you  to Dawn's link to the Taniwha site.
  • 07 Jul 2012 18:51
    Reply # 999957 on 999819
    Deleted user

    Hi Dawn,

    Just read this story, very interesting and real bad luck for the owner and crew; they almost made it !

    And, looking at the link you included in your post, which has 171 characters, reminded me that in cases where such a link, often to a document inside a larger file, is long, it can easily be shortened by using Tinyurl.com  free software that you download and has it's own link sitting in your Favourites Bar, until required.

    In this case, by clicking on your link to bring up the article, then while the article is in view, click on the tinyurl,com link, it automatically produces a much shortened link - in this case -  http://tinyurl.com/7lcx8b3  which only has 26 characters and can be copied into an email message or web forum post, and will open the same document, in the same way.

    In one sense, it doesn't make a shed-load of difference - you get the same result either way,  except, if the recipient has to manually copy the link it can be tedious and open to a typo, or useless if you wanted to include the link in Twitter (though I know most sensible, mature, JRA members dont send Tweets !) where you are limited to 140 characters, including gaps and punctuation, in each message.

    Just a thought.

    Kind regards.


  • 07 Jul 2012 14:20
    Message # 999819
    Deleted user
    I found this web page with details about the sinking of Dr David Lewis's junk rigged schooner Taniwha and subsequent underwater photos of the wreck. Follow this link https://sites.google.com/a/aotea.org/don-armitage/Home/great-barrier-island-history/shipwrecks--scuttlings/shipwrecks-around-the-coast-of-great-barrier-island/taniwha-2000
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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