How to organize a rally

  • 04 Dec 2012 14:31
    Reply # 1152041 on 927465











    The Aim of the JRA in the Constitution may be summarised as:


    to encourage discussion of JR and to facilitate contact and communication between members. 




    One of the ways in which the JRA pursues this Aim is to have a Sailing Secretary to encourage, facilitate and advise on:

    • JR rallies and cruises
    • JR familiarisation sails
    • Placing crew with JR skippers
    • Finding JR berths for potential crew 

    This is achieved by this Standing Instruction and by responding to specific requests. 




    The Association web site includes a Directory, JRA Sailing Services, aka 'the Junkie Dating Agency'.  This includes lists of members who are:

    • willing to offer junk rig familiarisation sails, or
    • seeking one or more regular crew members, or
    • seeking to crew on a junk rig boat

    Members are able to add their names to those lists by ticking the appropriate box on their membership profile.

    These lists includes sufficient detail to allow the individual to decide which skipper(s) or member(s) to contact directly. 


    The mechanics of this Directory are inevitably the responsibility of the JRA Webmaster but they are to be coordinated and monitored by the Sailing Secretary.  The Sailing Secretary will also respond to specific requests for any supplementary advice or assistance. 


    Any such arrangements are then a private matter between the individuals concerned. 


    However, individuals benefitting from these arrangements will be encouraged by the Sailing Sec to submit accounts of such sailing to the Webmaster and the JRA Magazine Editor for publication. 



    A junk rig rally or cruise may be organised by a member or members of the JRA or by non members.  It may be attended by members of the JRA and non members.  It may include boats of members and or non members.  It may take place anywhere in the world wherever two or more ‘junkies’ decide to get together with their boats. 


    The JRA and its Sailing Secretary will do all they can to encourage, advise and assist prospective junk rig rally or cruise organisers.  However, there is no central plan or format laid down by the JRA.  It is up to the organisers to make whatever arrangements suit them.  However, the following may be helpful:

    • find and contact a few interested boats / owners

    • Form an email group, with a nucleus of two or three local boats and people, and expand it by "networking", putting out tentacles, contacting anyone you know who has junk rig, or might just be interested in learning about it. 
    • advertise the idea in a few places (local sailing magazines, JRA website, JRA magazine): eg "A Junk Rig Rally. Owners of junk rigged boats and all sailors interested in junk rig are invited to discuss holding a junk rig rally. Open to anybody".
    • Discuss amongst yourselves the "when, where, how" questions, and find a solution that suit most people best.
    • Bear in mind that the weather might influence events, and choose some sheltered waters near to where there is already a nucleus of boats eg where there are short sails between sheltered anchorages, walks ashore, pubs and stores.
    • Bear in mind that you may get a number of people without boats attending, and easy access by road/ferry, accommodation ashore and bringing boats to a wharf or pontoon might be important.
    • As soon as you have a reasonably firm date and venue, inform the JRA (at least the Sailing Sec and ideally also the Webmaster and Magazine Editor). The JRA will publicise your junk rig rally by one or more of the following as appropriate:  in our magazine, on our website, and by emailing or mailing all members.
    • Keep things informal. As soon as you start arranging things that need to be paid for, such as hire of a room, or a meal for all, you start to give yourself a lot of work and responsibility. 
    • Arrange a programme by agreement. Do whatever it is that the majority of participants want to do, and keep it fluid, changing plans as circumstance change. Don't set a plan and timetable in stone.
    • Convene, sail, meet for chat after.
    • Send a report and photographs to the Sailing Secretary, Webmaster and Magazine Editor.   

    Don't be unduly influenced by what has worked for other rallies elsewhere, but this sort of planning scenario has worked for others.  However, the main thing, and the only thing that really matters, is to get together and enjoy each other's company.  

    The following may be useful for the actual event:

    • Consider whether you wish to include some disclaimer of legal liability, possibly as a header on a signing in sheet whilst convening. 
    • Take along a laptop, and run the JR presentation from the web site.
    • Print and distribute the JRA flyer and membership application form showing non members what they could gain if they joined the JRA, and how to join.

    Any junk rig rally would generally be self financing by those arranging and attending the event.  



     In some jurisdictions or circumstances it may be mandatory for skippers to have third party indemnity insurance.  In other jurisdictions or circumstances it may not be mandatory. 

    The view of the Association expressed in paragraph 8.4 of our Constitution 2012 is that: 

    "Boat owners who participate in any junk rig rally or function shall be advised to carry third party indemnity insurance." 

    However, in jurisdictions or circumstances where third party indemnity insurance is not mandatory, some skippers may decide not to have such insurance or may be unable to arrange such insurance.  The Association advises such skippers carrying passengers at any junk rig rally or function to brief their passengers accordingly and isssue an appropriate disclaimer. 


    Paragaph 8.1 of the Association's Constitution 2012 states:

    "The JRA will not accept any liability for damage or personal injury arising out of the use of any premises, vessels or any other facilities arranged or  provided by the JRA either sustained by members, their guests or visitors or caused by the said members, guests or visitors whether or not such damage or injury could have been attributed to or was occasioned by the negelect, default or negligence of any of them, the Officers, Committee or servants of the JRA."

    Last modified: 04 Dec 2012 22:22 | Anonymous member
  • 04 Dec 2012 14:27
    Reply # 1152032 on 927465


    A lot has happened since you asked in May for advice on how to organize a rally.  Indeed your question was one of the catalysts for change in the arrangements for rallies.  Since the Special General Meeting last weekend we now have an amended Constitution which includes the following:

    5.14 The Sailing Secretary shall:


    5.14.1 Encourage, facilitate and advise on JR rallies and cruises by:

  Publishing standing advice on how to organise a junk rig rally or cruise and Responding to specific requests. 


    5.14.2 Arrange, through the Webmaster, directories of members as follows: 

  Skippers prepared to provide first JR familiarisation sails. JR skippers looking for regular crew. Potential crew looking for regular berths on JR boats.


    5.14.3 Draw the attention of members to Constitution clauses 8.1 and 8.4.

    We will not have a Sailing Secretary appointed until the next Annual General Meeting.  However, in the meantime the responsibilities of the Sailing Secretary will be undertaken collectively be the existing committee members. 

    The Directory of Sailing Services (aka the Junkie Dating Agency) is up and running and you will find that under Directories. 

    The Standing Instruction is in draft and the latest draft has gone to the Committee for any comments.  However, for your information I post it below.  Firstly, this may be useful to you.  Secondly you may have comments on it which we would be able to consider. 

    The Standing Instruction will shortly be placed on the web site for easy reference.  However, it is deliberately not part of the Constitution so it can be an evolving document based on experience and comments received. 


    Last modified: 04 Dec 2012 15:25 | Anonymous member
  • 23 May 2012 08:42
    Reply # 928192 on 927465
    Deleted user

    I have only just seen this thread and as the soon to be retiring rally organiser feel I should add a a little to the discussion.

    I think you have already been given some very good advice which you should follow. Here in the UK we have more organised rallies as they tend to be attended by more people without boats than those with boats and we generally base ourselves at a sailing club. None of this is essential as David has pointed out. I shall be standing down as rally organiser at the AGM this weekend and Robin Blain will be taking over. If I can be of any assistance please let me know and I am sure Robin would be equally willing to help and offer his advice. He ran our UK rallies for many years before I took over.
    Good luck and I hope you have a very successful rally.
  • 23 May 2012 03:04
    Reply # 928008 on 927856
    Karlis K wrote:Aha, that reminds me of a specific question about placing ads in free sailing magazines, like a great one around here called "48' North".  Can you suggest appropriate wording to invoke the JRA without being overauthorized?  Maybe something like . . .

    Junk Rig Rally
    Owners of junk rigged boats and any interested are invited to a junk rig rally. Open to Junk Rig association members and non-members alike. 
    48 North is just the kind of magazine to advertise in. Latitude 38 is maybe too far south for you, but anyone in the SF area wanting to organise a rally would use it. 

    That sounds to me as if it's all arranged, all I have to do is show up. For the inaugural one, at least, perhaps something like:

    "Junk Rig Rally
    Owners of junk rigged boats and all sailors interested in junk rig are invited to discuss holding a junk rig rally. Open to Junk Rig Association members and non-members alike". 

    Of course, it would be great if you took along a laptop, and did a little presentation to non-members, showing them what they could gain if they joined us, and how to join.
  • 23 May 2012 00:03
    Reply # 927856 on 927465
    Aha, that reminds me of a specific question about placing ads in free sailing magazines, like a great one around here called "48' North".  Can you suggest appropriate wording to invoke the JRA without being overauthorized?  Maybe something like . . .

    Junk Rig Rally
    Owners of junk rigged boats and any interested are invited to a junk rig rally. Open to Junk Rig association members and non-members alike. 
  • 22 May 2012 21:09
    Reply # 927733 on 927465
    You have the basics of it right, and Jonathan has filled in some of the more formal aspects.
    I can add:
    • Form an email group, with a nucleus of two or three local boats and people, and expand it by "networking", putting out tentacles, contacting anyone you know who has junk rig, or might just be interested in learning about it, putting ads in local free yachting magazines, and so on. 
    • Discuss amongst yourselves the "when, where, how" questions, and find a solution that suit most people best.
    • Bear in mind that the weather might influence events, and choose some sheltered waters near to where there is already a nucleus of boats. You have some very good options amongst the Gulf Islands, giving short sails between sheltered anchorages, walks ashore, pubs and stores.
    • Bear in mind that you may get a number of people without boats attending, and easy access by road/ferry, accommodation ashore and bringing boats to a wharf or pontoon might be important.
    • Keep things informal. As soon as you start arranging things that need to be paid for, such as hire of a room, or a meal for all, you start to give yourself a lot of work and responsibility. 
    • By all means, as soon as you have a reasonably firm date and venue, tell me, Brian and Edward, and we will publicise it in our magazine, on our website, and by emailing all members.
    • Arrange a programme by agreement. Do whatever it is that the majority of participants want to do, and keep it fluid, changing plans as circumstance change. Don't set a plan and timetable in stone.
    • Don't be unduly influenced by what has worked for other rallies elsewhere, but this sort of planning scenario suited the NZ members, and may well suit B.C. and Washington State sailors too.
    • The main thing, and the only thing that really matters: get together and enjoy each other's company.
  • 22 May 2012 18:09
    Reply # 927541 on 927465


    It might be worth going back to basics and having a look at which parts of the JRA Constitution may be relevant, specifically:


    The Aims and Objects of the JRA are:

    3.1 to promote and encourage discussion of junk rig, including its traditional use, its design, and developments of it, and of the building and use of vessels with such rigs and their derivatives.

    3.2 to facilitate contact and communication between members of the Association.


    5.14 The Rally Secretary shall:

    5.14.1 Organise and run the rallies of the JRA according to the established rally programme.

    5.14.2 Organise, or offer assistance to the organisers of, any additional rallies held in the name of the JRA.


    6.2 Non-general meetings of the membership of the JRA may be held in such a manner as the participants shall decide.


    8.1 The JRA will not accept any liability for damage or personal injury arising out of the use of any premises, vessels or any other facilities arranged or provided by the JRA either sustained by members, their guests or visitors or caused by the said members, guests or visitors whether or not such damage or injury could have been attributed to or was occasioned by the neglect, default or negligence of any of them, the Officers, Committee or servants of the JRA.

    8.3 The JRA shall maintain third party indemnity insurance which shall be reviewed annually by the Treasurer.

    8.4 Boat owners who participate in any JRA rally or function shall carry third party indemnity insurance.


    Although it is not spelled out specifically in the Constitution, my reading of it is that a rally is a non general meeting of members and the wording "may be held in such a manner as the participants wish" is written to provide a potential organiser such as you with maximum flexibility and minimum constraint. 

    I think that the minimum rally would be two paid up members without boats ie "where two or three are gathered together ..."  Anything above that would be bonus. 

    However, I would suggest that it becomes a rally or non general meeting of the Association only when it has been advertised as such on at least the web site and if possible also in the paper magazine.  That would activate the JRA's third party liability insurance cover but also invoke the third party insurance responsibility of participatiing boat owners. 

    By contrast, two members meeting in a yacht club bar to discuss junk rig matters or two members boats meeting to sail, without it having been advertised as a rally, does not constitute a rally. 

    Your list looks to me to be more than sufficient for a minimum rally and a good starting point for anything bigger.  We shall no doubt all watch with interest and stand by to support in any way we can. 

    However, please note that I am not a member of the committee.  It might be helpful to have a member of the committee to endorse my comments above. 


    Last modified: 22 May 2012 19:56 | Anonymous member
  • 22 May 2012 16:58
    Message # 927465
    I'd like to read some suggestions and tips on organizing a rally.

    It's probably easier in the UK where I imagine there's already some face-to-face contact between existing JRA members.  If that's not the case I suppose it goes something like:

    *find and contact a few interested boats/owners
    *pick a date & location that works for some/most. 
    *post the event date a few places (local magazine, JRA website)
    *sail out
    *meet for chat after

    Meet first, then sail out? Meet at anchor or in a pub?  Post in magazines and/or with yacht clubs?

    Any other suggestions or tips to make the organization part go smoothly and the event a success would be appreciated!  

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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